My suggestions:
*Keep all the classes in one BIG binder, with clearly labeled dividers. This helps so that homework, classwork, and different classes don't get lost. It seems like a pain, but then you don't have one of thouse moments where you go "Oh no I don't have that folder!"
*Put the schedule either on the front of the binder or the first page. This will help if she gets overloaded and can't recall the schedule.
*See if it's possible for her to get a 5 minute pass (leave five minutes early to go to the next class) This could help with overloading from it being too crowded.
*Give her a 'cool down' time when she gets home.
*Get a planner for HW, important dates, etc.
*Talk to her to see if anything specifically bothered her and then discuss how she could handle it next time.
I hope these suggestions help.
Shadow Of Somebody
Autism is a sanctuary and a prison- Donna Williams