Colored overlays for reading?
I have to do a reading assingment for my english class tomorrow. I set down tonight to read this and found myself facing more than I wanted to. The combination of the tiny text on the pages, the glare off the pages from the lighting in my room, along with the contrast from the black letters on glossy paper made it near impossible to read, and acted as a inhibitor to keep me from getting this done.
After 30 minutes and six pages into my assignment I had to stop as I was overloaded and was no longer able to follow along with the reading on the page. I was bending over further and further, getting closer and closer to what I was trying to read since the text on the pages was doing a dancing and cloaking act. Looking at the pages in my english book was becoming physically painful. I had no choice but to stop.
On top of that I have no comprehension what so ever of those six pages that I read.
I have heard that some people use colored overlays to help them read in situations like this. I was wondering if anyone here has used them and to what sucess?
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