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Emu Egg
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23 Sep 2008, 8:56 pm

Does anyone else obsess about keeping their grades up to the point of making themselves sick with anxiety? I already have GAD with my Asperger's, and I'm starting to feel really overwhelmed by my classes. Logically I know that a 4.0 is nearly impossible to keep throughout a 4+ year program, and that individual grades don't really matter in the scheme of things, but it doesn't stop me from having a panic attack about each and every assignment I have. I gues I'm asking if there's anyone else who has this issue with school, and if so how have/do you coped/cope?


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23 Sep 2008, 9:02 pm

i sudied veterinary science at uni and approache dit with the AS ideal perfection mindset.
i wanted to get perfect grades.
1 week into it, i realised that this wasnt going to be possible so i chose to skim to survive.

i graduated.

if i didnt make this choicce i wouldnt have graduated.

grades are important but if you are so anxious about them now, then perhaps you need to attribute some thought to the big picture.

AS have a difficult time modulating responses, efforts relationships and emotions.
we are either all on or not enough, rarely in between.#learn to modulate your effort.
dont kill yourslef.
enjoy uni.
good luck

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07 Oct 2008, 10:06 am

Redbud-Tree wrote:
Does anyone else obsess about keeping their grades up to the point of making themselves sick with anxiety? I already have GAD with my Asperger's, and I'm starting to feel really overwhelmed by my classes. Logically I know that a 4.0 is nearly impossible to keep throughout a 4+ year program, and that individual grades don't really matter in the scheme of things, but it doesn't stop me from having a panic attack about each and every assignment I have. I gues I'm asking if there's anyone else who has this issue with school, and if so how have/do you coped/cope?

I used to get really nervous about grades in elementary and high school. The reason was if they weren't good enough, my parents would take away the things that gave me relief from the stresses that the forced socialization enviornment of school gave me, like TV, radio, listening to music, etc.


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07 Oct 2008, 11:57 am

This is me in a nutshell. In fact, I am having panic attacks regarding my philosophy class.

I need at least a 3.0 GPA to get any sort of scholarship, and since my parents are expecting me to pay for my entire college education (which is asking too much), that's more fuel to the fire.

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09 Oct 2008, 4:59 am

I know!! I was having panic attacks today (and have been all week). It's completely irrational because I have a GPA of 6.5, and i only need a 4 to pass, but I can't help it. I stress out about my grades all the time and it totally dehabilitates me. It makes me miserable, and less able to work so I don't do as well (I know i won't get as good a GPA this semester as last semester because I've been stressing more). I think sometimes the best solution to stress is not to let it overwhelm you, and everytime you start to stress, just sit down and do a little bit of work (even if it's in the middle of the night) and you'll feel better cause at least you got SOMETHING done.

I know it's all very easy to say, and very hard to do. Stress actually brings your grades down, but for me (and from what i've read im assuming other aspies too) it isn't logical, or easily brought under control.

I found what really helped me was having my beautiful best friend come and sit in my room for a few hours with food and sing softly to herself while i was studying, or give me a massage, which would destress me completely and i'd work more productively. Being in the company of soothing people has an amazing calming effect on me.

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09 Oct 2008, 5:10 am

How do you get a 6.5 GPA? I thought 4.0 was the max.

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09 Oct 2008, 5:17 am

I live in QLD, Australia, and 7 is the max here and 4 is a pass. Does it really only go up to 4 in America? What's your passing grade then?

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09 Oct 2008, 6:24 am

yah im a qld'er as well. a 6.5 is pretty impressive, they give you a university medal if you keep that up.

we had a girl in our course who had straight sevens......and 1 six.

her GPA was 6.87.

over 5 years. she even studied in her car by torch light during state of origin as it was too noisy in her house.

i tried for the perfect GPA, lasted about 6 weeks and i realised i wasn going to make it, nor was i going to die trying.

i passed.

perfect 4.0 GPA.

for others.....a 7 is like a very high distinction.
a six is a high achievement.
a 5 is a good pass.
a 4 is a pass.
a 3 is a dogy pass...they let you have one a year.
a 2s is a fail but you can re-do it.
a 2 is a fail and you cant re-do it.
a 1 is an abysmal failure. and you will be kicked out.

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09 Oct 2008, 7:22 am

Awesome, another QLD'er! Well I'm only in my second semester, and I won't be getting grades as good as 1st so it will go down. I'm hoping ideally to keep it at at least a 6.0 but I'm not sure if I'll manage. Not sure why I care so much, I think I'm just obsessed with grades (it was one of my obsessions at school, with understandably drove people crazy).

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09 Oct 2008, 8:11 am

sunshower wrote:
I live in QLD, Australia, and 7 is the max here and 4 is a pass. Does it really only go up to 4 in America? What's your passing grade then?

4.0 is the highest in colleges in the U.S., with 2.0 being the minimum to graduate.

3.0 is usually the prerequisite to get academic scholarships. Scholarships are available for other reasons as well.

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09 Oct 2008, 9:18 am

yah, getting into uni, is the hardest thing your going to do......

you have done it, you need to concentrate on grades, but also other speoples attitides, opinions, university life and structure...
you learn a lot at uni , about your course, others and yourself....most AS learn about their course only.

what do you study?

i did vet science.

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09 Oct 2008, 12:25 pm

I get high grades as a matter of ego. I can't imagine that I'm not the smartest person in my class, so I expect to get an A.

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09 Oct 2008, 5:03 pm

I obsess over grades too

In HighSchool, worrying about not getting perfect or near perfect grardes led to the biggest anxiety crisis of my life, which caused me to miss so much school (about 1/3 of my senior year) that I had to be very creative to get into college...It actually ended up working out in terms of the schools I TRANSFERRED into, but my highschool transcript is crap because of it. My advice would be to let things go...don't keep yourself from going to school if you don't get something done. In the end what (should have) screwed me was missing school and digging myself into a bigger hole.

Now I'd say I learned my lesson, but one thing I noticed about myself that I don't share with NTS is obsessing over every detail of the classes. Like...they always focus on the few key assignments, while I obsess over every little reading and every little hw assignment or quiz. I can tell this actually hurts me int the long run, but its just a habit I've accepted that I have...As I elaborated on in another post, I often spend as much time and effort on little things like this as major assignments...which can't be healthy and leads to more anxiety...right now im procrastinating on a major assignment that even an all nighter wont fix


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10 Oct 2008, 7:39 am

donkey wrote:
yah, getting into uni, is the hardest thing your going to do......

you have done it, you need to concentrate on grades, but also other speoples attitides, opinions, university life and structure...
you learn a lot at uni , about your course, others and yourself....most AS learn about their course only.

what do you study?

i did vet science.


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10 Oct 2008, 11:55 am

ok thanks for your very AS you want to elaborate?

and if you do, can you?

and if you can, will you?

sorry if you think im being nosy....its just that arts is so broad and im curious.

please dont feel obloged to respond just because i asked, i wont be offended either way.

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11 Oct 2008, 8:13 am

I fail at exams becuase they are badly written and my handwriting is awful. I do really well in assignments and coursework though. In my GCSEs I got As and Bs in my coursework but Cs and Ds in exams which bought my overall grades down >=/
I did a National Diploma in IT (which is equivalent to A-level) and got a triple merit (which is 240 UCAS points I think) and I did a First Diploma in Music (which is equivalent to GCSEs) last year and got a Distinction. I'm currently doing a National Certificate (like the National Diploma but more vocational) and then I'm starting a BA(hons) Degree. After that I'm doing a CertEd and then a Master's Degree.

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