I hate school.
Not teachers, not tests, because my teachers are very understanding this year and I'm very good at school.
However, last year, I couldn't go to school more than one week in 3 months, because of my melt-downs and the inability of certain parents to understand me. (I wasn't diagnosed at the time)
Thus I changed school and it's going better now, but there's still some big problems with some naughty classmates, who bully me. I always dream of them slaughtering me in pieces with a sharp axe or other bloody things. One day, I thought it would be better to suicide. I didn't do it, I thought of my English teacher, who was really kind, and helped me to cope with that situation. And guess what ? All the guys who are bullying me are all getting bad grades. But the worst as a pupil is the best in tolerance.
But all these people bullying me make my life hard, that's why I hate school, because some people are too stupid to understand me, are jealous of my grade and that I understand quickly the lessons ; and to understand the Truth about them, that they don't work enough, and that they are stupid and following too much the fashions.
I've got AS, and people are mocking me of my odd way to walk, my obsessions, or even things that aren't true about me.
Goodbye everyone, I shall speak with Gemstone123 ^^
"Le bonheur est un idéal de l'imagination et non de la raison" - Emmanuel Kant
"L'homme est né naturellement bon, c'est la société qui le corrompt" - Jean Jacques Rousseau