My TV Production teacher is probably the best teacher i ever had. She is a real funny person, and gets along with pretty much all of the students in the whole school. Its great that you have a teacher thats great at teaching something you might want to consider for a career. In my school we have four different TV classes. In the first class you do the news for the next day. We do announcements about sporting events, news & upcoming school events, and alot of times we do funny skits about things that go on in school. In the second class, we do home made music videos, short interviews and documentaries, and we learn the basics of editing. I don't know what we do in the TV 3 & 4 classes yet, i'll have to ask the teacher when scheduling for next year comes around. If you have a teacher thats great at what they are teaching, and its something that you are interested in, take the class. On the other hand, if the teacher sucks, dont take the class!
Living my life one day at a time.