Legato wrote:
Thanks for the info DN
JerryHatake wrote:
I been doing the process for the same scholarship I got in my high school senior year. A $1000 use it anyway I wanted from BP is not bad at all.
What process are you referring to Jerry? I dropped out of high school (lol 4.0 in college, I know >_<), so I never learned anything about scholarships through them.
Well I did not drop out because what does prove to those doubt your own abilities, proves their point. I prove those doubters wrong with my success in high school. The process I did was getting an "official" transcript, filled an application out and wrote an 1000 word essay about why I deserve the scholarship. They like my material and I got it. I been able to renewed the same scholarship with a different essay each year and filling out the required paperwork. Got the last two renewals and hopefully for my final renewal in the end. BP Community to my knowledge is mostly East Coast but it does not mean it is out on the West Coast or through out the U.S.
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