I have had something sort of like this happen. My school has this "mentor" program (I forgot what it's actually called) were they have a teacher help make sure you turn in home work. (not following you around, just checking in once a week) This wouldn't be that bad, except that the teacher that had got my name just walked into my GT(this makes it worse, a lot of the kids in regular classes are in the same program) Chemistry class and practicaly yelled "(my name), I need you to fill out these forms for the mentor program. ". I tried to just ignore him, but then he got mad at me, told me to go out in the hall, and then he started yelling at me. Luckily I managed to convince everyone in the class that he had gotten the wrong person, since my first name is very common in my school. Not to mention that the teacher (the one I've been talking about, not the actual teacher for the class) yelling at me made most of the people forget about the forms/mentor program he mentioned.