Really depends on what you can get away with re: your teachers, I've had teachers who will hear me out....yet on a test, I either answer their way or I fail, PERIOD. Others are fine with a different point of view on a test, as long as you can back up what you are saying. I taught high school sunday school and had students who loved to debate, they were only allowed to if they brought their bibles, I wanted them to be able to back up what they were saying with facts, not just argue because it's what they are good at...oh my gosh, that class was so much fun, I loved teaching it, well, good respectful kids, even when we disagreed...which is an important point to bring up, people can disagree and still really get along, as long as they aren't rude to respectful to your teachers, even if you disagree. Learn their side, that will help you understand them better, even if you don't agree, at least you can understand them.Which will either strenghten your views or change them.