I hate doing group work in high school. I'm supposed to do some stupid group project with these people that are extremely rude to me. There are six people in my group, and the project is a PowerPoint on the computer, and our school has a mobile wireless lab. Only three people are allowed to use a laptop, two are supposed to do research, and the third person is supposed to do the stupid powerpoint. Everybody else has to used the class textbook to look for information on the topic, and this b***h girl just grabs my book off of my desk because she always forgets her book in her locker, and she is do damn lazy to get up and get it out of her locker. The other two people in the group are walking around the room, and joking around with there stupid friends, and the three people on the computer are just playing around on music sites, and youtube, when we are supposed to be working. Our final grade will determine on how the entire group performs. Monday is the last day we get to work on the project, and we have to present it on the day we come back from christmas break, and we have nothing! All of the people in my group dont listen to any of my ideas, and they just snap at me and tell me to "shut the f**k up", and they call me a bunch of rude nasty names. I tried to talk to the teacher about this, but he just ignores me and tells me to deal with it. I really dont know what else to do about this, we talked to guidance, and it didnt help.
Living my life one day at a time.