By all means, you want to take chances and try new things. But in circumstances where it's okay to fail, and school is emphatically not such a circumstance. In fact, you kind of want to play and win the school "game."
Please understand, I am all in favor of learning for its own sake. As a human being, you can learn things in a real way, whether you supplement what you have learned in school or learn something entirely on your own. And with the Internet and other avenues, either while you are learning (best) or with a finished product (still very good), you can share your learning in meaningful communication and thereby contribute to the welfare of others. Yeah, really. For example, something as widely discussed as the swine flu. You might think there's a ton of material on the Internet. True. But is there a ton of material that artfully tries to steer a middle course, in the way you could? Maybe not.
RockDrummer616, I take it from your name, you're into music? So, by all means, extend yourself and try all kinds of new things in music. Just please keep in mind that not every experiment succeeds, and certainly not every ambitious experiment. And sometimes even the smallest of things are tripped up by the glitchiest of reasons. All part of the texture of life.
School generally rewards skimming. And that's okay. For that's another way to learn. You kind of arc across a topic. So you can add that to your repertoire of skills, learn to arc!, play the school game and win, and generally do your real learning on your own, whether you arc or not. There has to be at least 25 good styles of learning.
Good luck on your finals. And good luck at your new school!