I started school being able to read and write but my handwriting was, and still is, disgusting and, at the age of 5 was back to front, like a mirror and I never cared how I looked.
I questioned everything that my teachers said and that did not make me popular. I worked quickly and this meant that, when I came to ask for more work, my teachers would tell me that I could not possibly have finished, without even checking that I had. So this often meant, in the beginning, that I would be made to stand on a table and everyone else would be told to put their pencils down because I had an announcement to make. Then I had to say that I had finished my work and this was supposed to humiliate me. Then, they changed the rules for house points because I got too many and it would not have been fair on the teams. I became a vegetarian and they viewed this as a challenge to them and used to make me eat my meat, even if it took an hour. The other kids in the class used to feel sorry for me because of that and that helped. Ironically, this made me very popular and I was called "the walking dictionary". In the end, they let me come and go as I pleased, writing music in the music room on my own and in the library on my own. It never occurred to me to tell my parents because they did not understand what was going on inside my head and would do whatever the teachers told them was right. My headmaster told me I was subsersive and he tested my ability but rang my parents to say that I had gone off their scales at the age of 8 but that he didn't know what to do with me so they just left it.
Is this sort of thing typical for anybody else here?