Open University?
I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the OU, and if so what was it like? Would you recommend it to someone with Asperger's?
Basically, I'm in my final year at uni, but I feel that I can no longer cope with it as it has been a constant struggle.
I went to uni straight after I finished my A-levels at school, but had to leave after a month due to severe depression and anxiety. After 2 years I came back and everything seemed to be going well for the 1st year. But in the 2nd year I started getting depressed and anxious, and even took an overdose during the exam period. I had to repeat the 1st semester of 2nd year because I didn't sit the exams at Christmas (2006) or the resits in summer, and failed to sit them again at Xmas (2007), but eventually sat them in the summer. So I progressed into my final year, however, the same thing happened again at Christmas (2008). I have been feeling really depressed and anxious since Xmas up until now, and it just seems to be getting worse.
I had thought about going part-time, since there is a lot of pressure in final year with two classes plus research project. So I have just been attending the lab for my research project, but this is still causing me a lot of stress because 1) I have to sit and do work in a office full of people, and 2) They just seem to expect you to magically know what to do, yet I don't, and when I ask for help I end up getting even more confused. I felt really depressed and suicidal over this today.
I reason I have been considering the OU is because:
1) I think part of the reason I was eventually able to get through my exams is because I was able to study over the summer at my own pace, without having to worry about going into class, etc. The OU seems to allow you to do this.
2) I find it difficult knowing which aspects of lectures are important and which are just for your interest, and it isnt always made clear what is important. I have asked for help with this from lecturers and they just look at me as if I am stupid. Yet the OU seems to lay out clear learning objectives, etc.
3) You don't have to go to classes, you can stay at home and study, with my dog and cockatiel to keep me company (rather than feeling ackward around people).
Thank you,
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I did my degree with the OU and Im doing an msc with them now so they suit me. You have to be very self disaplined and even though you can study at your own pace they have fixed time dates for assignments and exams.
They also are much longer than a regular degree, for example a normal degree is 3 years but with OU it is 6. I did mine in 4 but it was very hard and I wouldnt recomend doing that high workload. There is definately more work involved in an OU course than in normal uni course.
If I was in your position I would grit my teeth and finish the final year as you will have to start pretty much at the begining with the OU (they only transfer a few credits so you only miss 1 year off)
Good luck with whatever you choose