Talk about you without you being there just becase your'e different? I haven't been professionally diagnosed with AS, but I was diagnosed with ADHD at 7 years old, had panic attacks every day in school at 12 years old, and was diagnosed with OCD at 14. In first grade my teacher treated me mean and made me feel angry. She talked about me to my mother when I wasn't there..she always talked about me and treated me stupid. I made straight A's in first grade, what was the problem? I would have done fine in anything else if she would have left me alone.
They've always done this. They don't care about me. If a "normal" student has a right to say no, so do I. They just wanted people to laugh at me, which they did anyway. I didn't want to bring my backpack to class with me in 6th grade or have noticably different accomadations, even if it did make things easier for me, it made it harder when other kids were mean. They wondered why I got this and that differently, I would rather not deal with them, they made me angry when I had to tell them I was different.
Teachers were obcessed with me, watching my every move, analyzing my every breath. I wanted to scream "STOP ANALYZING ME! STOP STUDYING ME! I AM NOT YOUR ONLY STUDENT!" It made me feel like nothing was private, ever time I turned around the teacher was watching me. I did not do anything to deserve my being different. I did not do anything wrong so she needed to watch me. I was perfectly capable of getting my books out of my locker without someone watching me, I had not done anything wrong.
They were nice to me, too nice to me. They said it was because they liked me. I didn't want to be "special", I didn't want to be liked so much they were obcessed with me, that was scary. I just wanted them to leave me alone and let me do my school work. I wanted them to except me like they excepted the other kids,I wanted them to see me as me, not as someone who had to be watched all the time.