hello fellow NJ'ian, middle school students too I believe are required to take gym classes, it seems to been something our governor (not present one) had passed about student health and obesity (to keep kids fit by keeping them active and eating well (hence why no chips or soda sold in cafeterias anymore) since parents (in my opinion) I think should be saying about kid's fitness level not a school, I guess the governor feels that kids are getting heavy because of no parental interaction (as in having kid play outside or eat healthier food) but in a way, gym class I feel is a safe way to have fun (in a school) and not worry about gangs or getting in trouble)
I personally, seen gym class like a "structured recess" period it was ok for me, but sometimes it was just annoying at times when teacher would have us play "kiddie games" such as yea, kick ball and them "teacher created" games, I did dread running on the track and sports oriented activity.
I guess THAT is better then the gym teachers that focus more on exercise and treat the period as a fat camp class ((teaches different exercises and also has kids keep a goal of their heart rates and how long they did the exercise. I didn't mind using the machines in the weight room, but them aerobics and "use your body only" exercises I found just unneeded and slightly boring (sit ups/crunches, push ups, crunches, lunges, stretches)
d057, school year is almost over, just 30 some days left of school until summer, but until then, is there a way that you can have a talk with the physical education supervisor (gym teacher's boss) or even your guidance counselor or even vice principal?? these people probably have had complaints about the teacher and possible can get themselves in trouble for being rude (the teacher, not the student reporting the problem)
as for the others failing on the bench, it's possible the teacher is trying to deter his existing participating students from following the same path as the benchwarmers........ wants to use you and the others as role models to encourage these kids to get up and participate again.
possible also that they have notes from their doctor or the school's nurse (also serves as a few day excuse note) from participating in gym class, sounds like in your situation these "benchwarmers" are abusing their notes.. if I was the gym teacher I would have these benchwarmers bring in an official doctor's note to show that they have a medical problem that prevents them from participating in any physical activity. and/or talk to their parents about their benchwarming habits.
if its what I call a "vanity excuse" such as "im on my period" or "I'm afraid to break a nail" or the usual "ohh my hair stylist told me not to do any physical activity for next few days" I would tell them if its the period, wear a heavy flow or overnight pad, if its the "im afraid to break a nail," do the nails on weekend and take the nails off before coming to school. if its the hairdo, can't you just wait till summer to dress the hair all fancy?? unless your getting married on a school day, there's no excuse.
not saying that as any offending way, but with middle and high school PE, YOUR GRADE is more important then your hairdo or the other "vanity" things
I personally only warmed the bench only 2 times, once because in the class I had before gym, I fainted(it was a keyboarding class, they just wanted to make sure I was ok) and the second instance was when I had really bad cramps (I mean they were almost crippling, REALLY really bad!)during my monthly curse(period)
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