I can confidently say that the job I want does not require anything I've learnt at school. I want to be a programmer, and I just learn programming languages at home or at dinner.
However, I do enjoy the lessons for the most part. I only really hate French, Music, PE(ESPECIALLY) and anything which requires me to get out of my seat xD.
I've learnt very little on the internet about Science, just read Science related stories, and the little Science I've learned at home was from books, which covered topics vaguely. I'd also like to be a Forensic Scientist, and I find the Science at school I learn important. Yet, I have a revision text book which covers the whole Year 9(what I'm in) curriculum, so admittedly, I don't need school.
The main things I hate about school is the break and lunch and the way I'm forced to learn French, do Music and do PE. PE has caused me a lot of trouble socially.
Oh, I also learnt all my grammar and the majority of my vocabulary on the internet, my English lessons most certainly have nothing to do with the matters.