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07 May 2009, 12:28 am

I watched oprah about bullying. And did u know that we have little kids killing them selves just because their being bullied. Little kids as young as 11 years old. WTF. I mean come on and no ones doing anything about this. This needs to stop!! !! !!
I read something that said well over 99% of aspies get bullied and it is probably 100%. Those kids just dont say anything. Reasons for aspies and kids who get bullied dont say anything is because.

-They are scared they will look like a tattle
-They feel they deserve it
-Afraid of getting beat up
-Dont relize they are being bullied.
-Afraid to stand up for themselves therefore afrid to tell people (adults/parents)

This bullying needs to stop. I was a victim myself. I was bullied all through elementary and most of high school. I had lemonade wiped in my face, gum thrown in my hair, teased, racist jokes, called gay and fa***t (the most common form of verbal abuse is homophobia, i saw it on oprah). Bullies come in all shapes, sizes, colors, races, genders, and disabilities.

There must be something done.


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07 May 2009, 1:01 am

What do you suggest? The reason bullying is not reported by the victims is because authority figures usually have neither the desire nor the ability to do anything about it. Few of my teachers ever paid enough attention to notice I was being bullied, and fewer gave a damn. Those rare few who would have stopped it if they could were powerless to do so. And trying to act against bullying does nothing but provoke a renewed assault... sadly, the only thing to do is wait it out. It means years of misery. It means life will suck for most of adolescence. But that's how it is. Do you have any suggestions to change it? I thought not. No one ever does, only saying that "something" should be done.



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07 May 2009, 1:38 am

I was also terribly bullied in my school years. The stress of it almost made me commit suicide when I was 13, in fact it developed into a full blown psychotic episode and I had to be hospitalized. I read that story awhile back about the 11 year old committing suicide because of the bullies, it made me cry. I had to go to many different schools because of the bullying. In fact one person threatened to kill me and his threat was real as he tried to kill others at the school, one such instance was when he stabbed a teacher with scissors. And what made my time WORSE with the bullies, the teachers didn't punish the bullies because they said it was my fault because I was "different." Basically I deserved this torture. Now I am being bullied on the Internet, the only good news about this is that it isn't physical bullying like in the past. I had the gum in my hair as well. I was terrified to go to school. Thank God college wasn't like that!! I am now thankfully out of school. I think it is the bullies that deserve to die. I mean if I died as a result of the bullies, I bet they would have been proud and have no guilt what so ever. They have no feelings. They are evil people. I really want to educate the teachers on bullying and tell them that just because someone with disabilities is bullied, DOESN'T MAKE IT THEIR FAULT!! It is the bullies fault! The BULLY is the one that deserves the punishment, NOT the victim.


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07 May 2009, 6:03 am

The bullies grow up to become animal rights activists and SPCA inspectors. They're still worthless scum.


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07 May 2009, 10:42 am

I was bullied for years as well. I went to multiple schools and was bullied at most of them, but always for different reasons. What was worse was my parents blamed me for it, since my sister never had problems with bullies. My parents would even punish or threaten me if I did anything other than ignoring it. I did report incidents of bullying and of course, nothing was ever done, or the students just got counseling with no consequences at all. I always got the consequences if I fought back and one year my parents punished me for an entire summer because I had problems with school and with the bullies calling my house all the time. It was so unfair.

I got picked on for things like not being good at or interested in sports, which landed me a gay label at one school. I got picked on for being the wrong religion, for having a voice that was too deep, for actually trying to behave and be a good kid, for not wanting to date or go to school dances and other functions, or for simply just going to the wrong school(s) previously.

I got picked on at home too for alot of things that constantly changed. I got picked on for not being interested in swimming, not reading as much as my sister did, for spending too much time reading, watching too much TV, listening to the wrong music, for wanting to go out, for wanting to stay in, and the list goes on.

The only time in my life anything was ever done about kids who bullied me was in my junior year of high school, when my math teacher intervened on my behalf against a group of kids who had bullied me for over 2 years. Somehow she got them to stop, I don't know how, but I'm glad she did.

I used to think my sister didn't have bullying problems because girls didn't engage in that sort of behavior, but I've since learned I was wrong. Sometimes I think I should apologize to all the ladies in this forum who were bullied because I thought that way.

This topic will keep being discussed for a long time, but nothing will ever be done. All those in school being bullied can do is wait it out until they finish school and are free of it. For me, the bullying at school stopped when I got to college, but it continued at home until my sister finally moved out, but started again when she moved back in.



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08 May 2009, 3:31 am

I was bullied too, but only in middle school. I was fortunate enough to have gone to the elementary school with all the weird kids. Another fortunate thing was that 99% the bullying I ever got was verbal. People never picked fights with me because I was one of the biggest people around. If they knew how weak I actually was, though, I probably would've been pounded everyday. I got called "gay" and "a fag" a lot.

I had 4 main bullies. They were actually a pretty diverse group which was kind of funny: a white guy, a white girl, a black guy, and a hispanic guy. They would just throw random insults and homophobic remarks at me, usually. The girl actually hit me at least once, but our gym teacher saw. I also remember in that class once me and my friend were just throwing a frisbee back and forth minding our business. Then she just comes up and starts insulting us and says "You guys and [blankity blank] are a gay trio." Then in 8th grade when I got the internet, the 3 guys started harassing me on AIM everyday. I'd block them, and they'd just make new screennames. Some of their monikers were pretty mature... like "condomhead6".

Like everyone else here who's posted, nothing was done about mine either. I remember my mom talked to my school counselor about the girl. They pretty much said what a crappy life she has and stuff, to which my mom responded "So?". She pretty much got a slap on the wrist. One class I had in 6th grade, everyone was terrible to me. The teachers never seemed to notice or care.

These were all pretty screwed up people, though. The girl was a drug addict (she at least did pot, coke and meth), 2 of the guys were arrested for date rape, and the other guy was arrested for bringing a gun to school in 9th grade.

Yes, something should be done. Will something be done, though? Probably not, unfortunately. Authority figures are just too apathetic. The fact that bullied people are a minority doesn't really help, either.


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08 May 2009, 12:23 pm

I thought I was the only male who actually at one point, had girls harassing him. My parents never believed it because they thought girls didn't do things like that. They sometime along the way came up with the idea girl=saint, so it was impossible for a girl to be bad or wrong, something my sister took full advantage of in her treatment of me.


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14 May 2009, 5:17 am

PrisonerSix wrote:
I thought I was the only male who actually at one point, had girls harassing him. My parents never believed it because they thought girls didn't do things like that. They sometime along the way came up with the idea girl=saint, so it was impossible for a girl to be bad or wrong, something my sister took full advantage of in her treatment of me.

That's baloney. Plus a sexist viewpoint. Against males. How are we automatically bad for having a penis? I make no apologies for being male and neither should you. Plus, girls can be PRETTY nasty to other girls. Trust me there man.


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14 May 2009, 5:29 am

I would recomend force... physical or verbal for small scale.. large scale make bullying a offence of law.

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14 May 2009, 11:32 am

aspieguy101 wrote:
PrisonerSix wrote:
I thought I was the only male who actually at one point, had girls harassing him. My parents never believed it because they thought girls didn't do things like that. They sometime along the way came up with the idea girl=saint, so it was impossible for a girl to be bad or wrong, something my sister took full advantage of in her treatment of me.

That's baloney. Plus a sexist viewpoint. Against males. How are we automatically bad for having a penis? I make no apologies for being male and neither should you. Plus, girls can be PRETTY nasty to other girls. Trust me there man.

My wife tells me girls bullied her sometimes when she was in school, one time even assulted her physically, so that's even more proof my parents were wrong. Girls can be pretty mean to boys as well, they can engage in the same kind of harassment other boys can, and some did to me.

I never understood why my parents adopted this anti-boy viewpoint towards me, since I have 3 older brothers and they weren't treated this way. One theory I had was my sister and I were close in age and nothing alike, and they thought my sister, who liked to read alot, while I was interested in more action type activities, was the one I should see as a role model, but never would. Like you, I'm male and refuse to be ashamed of it.

My one year in public school(8th grade), I was in all honors classes, and most of the kids who picked on me were in those classes. My parents also insisted they couldn't be picking on me unless I really had something wrong with me because they also thought smart kids didn't bully.

I just couldn't win.


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15 May 2009, 1:47 pm

I think cameras should be put into the classroom so if something happens then it is on tape and can't be denied. That would make a good weapon against bullying.

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15 May 2009, 3:28 pm

Shadowgirl wrote:
I think cameras should be put into the classroom so if something happens then it is on tape and can't be denied. That would make a good weapon against bullying.

Good point, but will those who have the power to take action actually do it? I've seen situations where kids admit to what they are guilty of and still nothing happens. One example I can think of is a neighbor who had a child in Catholic school. A new kid, who was much bigger than he was, started beating up on him and since the kid was bigger and stronger, along with being 2 years older than the rest of the class, he didn't have a chance. When it was reported, the kid who did the beating admitted to it every time saying he didn't like the other boy. The school did nothing about it and didn't seem to want to, so the victim was forced to switch schools.

In one Catholic school my wife went to, students who were doing poorly were brought up on stage during assemblies and everyone in the auditorium was told to laugh at them because they were stupid.

The schools are often supportive of the behavior of their teachers, all the way up to the principal.


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