Finally! Somewhere I can say "Doctor Who" and everyone doesn't look at me like "Make an're nuts!" I absolutely love Doctor Who, I just wish I could watch more of it. Cox Communications caps our internet at 250GB, and each episode is, on average, 4-5GB. I can only watch 55 hours of video (standard definition) before Cox charges us for another 250GB set of internet, or an extra month of service.
This should give you a good comparison. According to my Cox Data Usage Meter, i use, on average every month, 11 GB. That includes my Spotify, Roblox, Wii, Google Nexus 7, Blackberry, iPhone 4, Dell Dimension, Gateway E520, MacBook Pro, and my mom's iPhone 4S and my dad's military Blackberry Bold. Also included is our Apple TV, and the friends that I allow to use our internet when they are close enough to my house. This month alone, I have used a little over 55 GB of data, watching Doctor Who alone. That's a lot of Doctor Who.