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Cure for autism?
No we are who we are 63%  63%  [ 19 ]
Yes and i hope they find one. 17%  17%  [ 5 ]
I dont like haveing autism but i dont want to be cured. 20%  20%  [ 6 ]
Total votes : 30


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25 Apr 2011, 12:33 am

I think haveing a cure for autism depands on what the person wants what do you think vote.


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27 Apr 2011, 1:52 am

Beating a dead horse...


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27 Apr 2011, 3:07 pm

what do u mean?


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27 Apr 2011, 4:58 pm

Lot of people here are against the cure for autism so starting this thread might bring out an argument against the cure. It upsets members is why.


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27 Apr 2011, 5:17 pm

Im agienst a cure myself hows it going to upset them i dont get it.


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15 May 2011, 6:40 am

Google " Autism Speaks" Go to that site and you will see what I mean. They demonize autism and the spectrum, only showing the bad things, pain and meltdowns. They want to brainwash (and possibly kill?) all of us here! They believe that autistic kids are soulless masses of flesh possessed by a child-stealing demon called autism WE DO NOT WANT A CURE!! ! AUTISM SPEAKS DOES NOT SPEAK FOR AUTISM!! !! !! :evil:


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15 May 2011, 8:57 pm

Nope it dont but hey im looking for people like me to talk with and thats the place i went.
And honsetly what they think is not what i care about we have the controle over what we want in are lifes just like all others in the world does were like avrey other person here so dont worry about them. Honestly i watch avreything run by me i dont like to get into things.

Yes i think a cure would be very wrong and that people should stop treating us like that.
I have been someone who likes to just keep going on with my life and not worry about others.
:) So i dont really mind if others think worngly of us because we can find people who dont think that way and that get along with us and treat us like avreyother person also :) but thats only my ways of thinking. dont get upset or anything im not jumping on anyone i just say whats on my mind normley. ill look it up someday maybe but im sure i wont understand it so honestly im not exsactley sure why i would. but maybe someday ill try and look it up see if i get something.


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25 May 2011, 3:42 am

I don't believe in a cure for autism. I think we are fine the way we are. The problem is with society who fails to understand our needs. To them we are a problem and they think that getting rid of autism is going to solve everything for us. But most people with autism aren't as thriving as you think. Its all because of misdiagnosis, lack of awareness and whatever that makes parents freak out. I don't want to be cured and to quote Temple Grandin:

if I could snap my fingers and become nonautistic I would not do so. Autism is part of who I am.

And its true because it is part of who I am. It's something I've learned to adapt to and I couldn't bare being cured of autism. I think its mostly seen as being a disease when its really just as much of a disorder/disability as what mental retardation or down syndrome is. I mean you don't see anyone trying to cure those disabilities, do you? Why is curing autism such a big deal?

Diagnosed with an autistic disorder (Not AS but mild to moderate classic Autism), ADHD, Learning Disability, intellectual disability and severe anxiety (part of the autism); iPad user; written expressionist; emotionally-sensitive


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25 May 2011, 3:14 pm

iheartmegahitt wrote:
I don't believe in a cure for autism. I think we are fine the way we are. The problem is with society who fails to understand our needs. To them we are a problem and they think that getting rid of autism is going to solve everything for us. But most people with autism aren't as thriving as you think. Its all because of misdiagnosis, lack of awareness and whatever that makes parents freak out. I don't want to be cured and to quote Temple Grandin:

if I could snap my fingers and become nonautistic I would not do so. Autism is part of who I am.

And its true because it is part of who I am. It's something I've learned to adapt to and I couldn't bare being cured of autism. I think its mostly seen as being a disease when its really just as much of a disorder/disability as what mental retardation or down syndrome is. I mean you don't see anyone trying to cure those disabilities, do you? Why is curing autism such a big deal?
I dont want it cured i find them who they are (hell i might have it but i dont got an acsuel diognosess yet so honestly yes i am with you i would hate to be cured. but i like to see what other people think because the worlds diffrent.

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26 May 2011, 3:39 pm

i like me the way i am and so do my family however i do get bullied for being different :(


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29 May 2011, 2:38 pm

Anyone want to start an anti-cureism revolution?

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30 Jun 2011, 5:17 am

Hmmm... no no no no no no no no
i like me the way i am!! !