Smicry99 :
Be a cartoonist just like my all-time idol Scott McCloud...*sigh* Rolling Eyes
Or if not that, a computer engineer/programmer!
I'm going to be a computer programmer Very Happy
Sorry to break it, but programming is not something you learn later on in college (But Computer Science yes). You have to make a final decision. I am an NT and 13 years old and know 7 programming languages. All I have to tell you that it is not going to be easy, so you have to learn now, and I know one of my friends, has a brother with asperger's in 3rd grade that has programmed 4 successful games with Java. Time to catch up, I know you can do it
Goal :
This summer of 2014 I will learn over 14 programming languages, because I can. I know I can. No one say I can't because I can.