ALL of them? Okay, here goes... a '*' means I've beaten the game 100% (or more in many cases...)
==Playstation 1==
*Croc 2
*Medievil 2
*Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
*Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
*CTR: Crash Team Racing
Crash Bash
Gran Turismo 2
*Disney's The Emporer's New Groove
*Spyro the Dragon* (my friend's forgotten that I borrowed it!)
*Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer
*Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon
*Monster's Inc, Scream Team
==Playstation 2==
*Crash Bandiccot: The Wrath of Cortex
*Crash Twinsanity
*Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
*Jak II: Renegade
*Jak 3
Jak X: Combat Racing
London Racer II (it's horrible, don't play it)
*Need for Speed Underground 2
Peter Jackson's King Kong, The Official Game of the Movie (long title, ain't it?)
*Ratchet and Clank
*Ratchet and Clank 2: Locked and Loaded
*Ratchet and Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal (how rude!)
*Ratchet Gladiator
*Sly Racoon
*Sly 2: Band of Theives
*SSX Ticky
*SSX 3
Tony Hawk's Underground 2
*War of the Monsters
==My sister's PS2 games (I NEVER play these!)==
Singstar Pop
Singstar 80's
Singstar Rocks! (yeah right)
Singstar Anthem's
Spyro Enter the Dragonfly (worst PS2 game EVER!)
The Sim's
^She really likes her 'S' games, doesn't she?
==PSP Games==
Burnout Legends
Gripshift (Made here in NZ. If you have a PSP, BUY IT NOW!! !)
Medievil Resurrection
I think that just about covers everything! Oh, and all your playstation games 
I was sad when I found that she left
But then I found
That I could speak to her,
In a way
And sadness turned to comfort
We all go there