well.......just searching, oho wiped away from the net/wiki (last week i saw that still around, wth)
the pbl of making wiki a public service controlled activity
imagine all these years wiki begged for your money? to give it to the government and international conformity to americanising overlords
when i was younger those were percieved as 'bad' books too, for some leftists reasons, how's making fun of establishment then not anti-establisment, ah the logic of humor and satire is too refined to the flat-earthers of equity
books https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1 ... en_Toonder
Bommel! Het is stuitend waar het grauw zich mee vermaakt tegenwoordig. Pijpleiders en denktanks, het is werkelijk ronduit affreus te noemen! (tr/ Bommel! It is shocking how the masses are having fun these days. Pipelines and think tanks, it is really downright affair!)
more other books:
under the volcano
a fine balance
the general in his labyrinth
three swans, daughters of china
the prague cementary
quote again, heheh
“We zullen zien', hernam de ander droogjes. Hij stak zijn paraplu omhoog en op dit gebaar traden vanachter de pilaren een paar gespierde figuren te voorschijn. Ze droegen leren jasjes en vechtpetten, en ook overigens zagen ze er uit als strijders voor een mooi ideaal.”
― Marten Toonder, Had ik maar beter geluisterd
"We'll see," the other man said. He raised his umbrella and a few muscular figures emerged from behind the pillars. They wore leather jackets and combat caps, and by the way, they looked like fighters for a beautiful ideal. ”
- Marten Toonder, I wish I had listened