I call myself a lefty and am proud of it, as I always felt that left-handers were smarter.
But technically, I am left-handed when it comes to dexterity (which is linguistically ironic), and right-handed when it comes to strength. Some things, like opening doors, depend on which side the handle is on.
So I write, brush my teeth, shoot pool, catch balls with my left.
I throw balls, arm wrestle, and punch with my right.
For some reason I throw darts with my right, maybe my mind thinks I need the strength for throwing, but I really should throw with my left for the dexterity. I also use the mouse pad with my right because I was taught that way, but there was a time that I switched to my left as an experiment, and caught on within the first day where I could use the mouse just as easily with my left. However, because I tend to follow well-known patterns, I usually use it with my right and only use the left when my right is fatigued.