Members' Obsessions (by member name and by obsession)

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19 Dec 2007, 1:49 pm

Use this one; I had added some more of mine to it before you posted that...


Ana54-- airport security, school shootings, depresion sufferers and their stories, depression and treatment for it, disasters and people in them, morgues and mortuaries, Harry Potter, Auschwitz concentration camp and surrounding camps, Judge Rotenberg Center
AnonymousAnonymous-- Spy movies, jazz music, writing, reading
Aridarr--Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Snakes, Half-life 2 (sort of).
benjimanbreeg--Iron Maiden, The Simpsons, Golf, Tennis, gambling, success.
CockneyRebel-- Routemaster buses, vintage England, Flushed Away
gbollard-- Movies, Doctor Who, Computing (Lotus Notes)
Icarus_Falling-- survivalism, weapons
Kilroy-- Genesis
likedcalico/Spokane_Girl-- Benny & Joon, Spokane
rexmas-- atypical weapons
sepia - sealife, trapeze, fungi, the 30's, 40's & 50's music and fashion, climbing, neurology/psychology (mainly AS and related), death metal, gyspy jazz, costume
Siuan-- medical topics, cardiovascular stuff, all medications
Strapples-- straps, Sensory Integration Disorder and getting his favorite, absolutely necessary sensations


airport security-- Ana54
AS-related neurology and psychology-- sepia
Auschwitz-- ana54
Benny & Joon-- likedcalico/Spokane_Girl
buses, Routemaster-- CockneyRebel
cardiovascular issues-- siuan
climbing-- sepia
computing (Lotus Notes)-- gbollard
cosmetic surgery-- siuan
death metal-- sepia
depression (mental disorder)-- Ana54
disasters-- Ana54
Doctor Who-- gbollard
drugs, medical-- siuan
England, vintage-- CockneyRebel
Flushed Away-- CockneyRebel
fungi-- sepia
Genesis-- Kilroy
gambling-- benjimanbreeg
golf-- benjimanbreeg
gypsy jazz-- sepia
Half-life 2 (sort of)-- Aridarr
Harry Potter-- Ana54
Iron Maiden-- benjimanbreeg
jazz music-- AnonymousAnonymous
jazz, gypsy-- sepia
Johnnny the Homicidal Maniac-- Aridarr
Judge Rotenberg Center-- Ana54
Lotus Notes-- gbollard
medical/medicine-- siuan
medication-- siuan
morgues/mortuaries-- Ana54
movies-- gbollard
movies, spy-- AnonymousAnonymous
neurology/psychology-- sepia
psychology/neurology-- sepia
reading-- AnonymousAnonymous
Routemaster buses-- CockneyRebel
school shootings-- Ana54
sealife-- sepia
security, airport-- Ana54
Sensory Integration Disorder--
shootings, school-- Ana54
Simpsons, The-- benjimanbreeg
snakes-- Aridarr
Spokane-- likedcalico/Spokane_Girl
spy movies-- AnonymousAnonymous
success-- benjimanbreeg
surgery, cardiovascular-- siuan
survivalism-- Icarus_Falling
tennis-- benjimanbreeg
The Simpsons-- benjimanbreeg
trapeze-- sepia
vintage England-- CockneyRebel
weapons, atypical-- rexmas, Icarus_Falling
writing-- AnonymousAnonymous

Last edited by Ana54 on 21 Dec 2007, 6:43 pm, edited 9 times in total.


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19 Dec 2007, 2:59 pm

Um...plastic surgery is not an obsession. Unless you consider how passionately I hate the idea that people destroy their bodies that way for the sake of trying to attain some warped ideal of "perfection". I don't know that I've ever mentioned anything about sugery on here.

My only major special interest is medicine, cardiovascular to be specific. It started when I was about 8 years old (I'm 29 now). I am quite interested in the topic of cardiovascular surgical procedures, particularly those that are for coronary artery bypass grafts (spent four hours reading a book on it last night actually), though I think my favorite sub-topic of cardiology is echocardiography. I love diagnostics and the numbers that explain things.

On a related note, I have this odd ability to auto-store drug information (medication name, purpose, side effects, brand name, generic name) even if I hear about it only once. They call me the walking medical book. If someone among my family or friends gets a new medication, they call me to see what it is and what it does lol Similarly, if they have a test, I also get a call asking why an what it's for.

And if I don't shut up now, this will be the Longest Post Ever... :lol:

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19 Dec 2007, 4:02 pm

AnonymousAnonymous- Spy movies, jazz music, writing, reading

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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19 Dec 2007, 5:22 pm

Iron Maiden, The Simpsons, Golf, Tennis, gambling, success.


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19 Dec 2007, 6:18 pm

sepia - sealife, trapeze, fungi, the 30's, 40's & 50's music and fashion, climbing, neurology/psychology (mainly AS and related), death metal, gyspy jazz, costume. yup, i think that is it!


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19 Dec 2007, 6:33 pm

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Snakes, Half-life 2 (sort of).

Effect of Blood Plasma from Psychotic Patients upon Performance of Trained Rats


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19 Dec 2007, 9:40 pm

I added you all.

Sorry, siuan. :oops: I could have sworn you started a thread about something like that, lol.


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19 Dec 2007, 10:01 pm

Aren't we supposed to copy paste and then add/edit/delete?


Ana54-- airport security, school shootings, depresion sufferers and their stories, depression treatment, disasters and people in them
CockneyRebel-- Routemaster buses, vintage England, Flushed Away
gbollard-- Movies, Doctor Who, Computing (Lotus Notes)
Icarus_Falling-- survivalism, weapons
Kilroy-- Genesis
likedcalico/Spokane_Girl-- Benny & Joon, Spokane
rexmas-- atypical weapons
Siuan-- medical topics, cosmetic surgery
Strapples-- straps, Sensory Integration Disorder and getting his favorite, absolutely necessary sensations


airport security-- Ana54
Benny & Joon-- likedcalico/Spokane_Girl
buses, Routemaster-- CockneyRebel
computing (Lotus Notes) -- gbollard
cosmetic surgery-- siuan
depression (mental disorder)-- Ana54
disasters-- Ana54
doctor who -- gbollard
England, vintage-- CockneyRebel
Flushed Away-- CockneyRebel
Genesis-- Kilroy
medical/medicine-- siuan
movies -- gbollard
plastic surgery-- siuan
Routemaster buses-- CockneyRebel
school shootings-- Ana54
security, airport-- Ana54
Sensory Integration Disorder--
shootings, school-- Ana54
Spokane-- likedcalico/Spokane_Girl
surgery, plastic-- siuan
survivalism-- Icarus_Falling
vintage England-- CockneyRebel
weapons, atypical-- rexmas, Icarus_Falling

Add yours!


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20 Dec 2007, 2:42 am

Use this one; I had added some more of mine to it before you posted that...


Ana54-- airport security, school shootings, depresion sufferers and their stories, depression and treatment for it, disasters and people in them, morgues and mortuaries, Harry Potter, Auschwitz concentration camp and surrounding camps, Judge Rotenberg Center
AnonymousAnonymous-- Spy movies, jazz music, writing, reading
Aridarr--Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Snakes, Half-life 2 (sort of).
benjimanbreeg--Iron Maiden, The Simpsons, Golf, Tennis, gambling, success.
CockneyRebel-- Routemaster buses, vintage England, Flushed Away
gbollard-- Movies, Doctor Who, Computing (Lotus Notes)
Icarus_Falling-- survivalism, weapons
Kilroy-- Genesis
likedcalico/Spokane_Girl-- Benny & Joon, Spokane
rexmas-- atypical weapons
sepia - sealife, trapeze, fungi, the 30's, 40's & 50's music and fashion, climbing, neurology/psychology (mainly AS and related), death metal, gyspy jazz, costume
Siuan-- medical topics, cardiovascular stuff, all medications
Strapples-- straps, Sensory Integration Disorder and getting his favorite, absolutely necessary sensations


airport security-- Ana54
AS-related neurology and psychology-- sepia
Auschwitz-- ana54
Benny & Joon-- likedcalico/Spokane_Girl
buses, Routemaster-- CockneyRebel
cardiovascular issues-- siuan
climbing-- sepia
computing (Lotus Notes)-- gbollard
cosmetic surgery-- siuan
death metal-- sepia
depression (mental disorder)-- Ana54
disasters-- Ana54
Doctor Who-- gbollard
drugs, medical-- siuan
England, vintage-- CockneyRebel
Flushed Away-- CockneyRebel
fungi-- sepia
Genesis-- Kilroy
gambling-- benjimanbreeg
golf-- benjimanbreeg
gypsy jazz-- sepia
Half-life 2 (sort of)-- Aridarr
Harry Potter-- Ana54
Iron Maiden-- benjimanbreeg
jazz music-- AnonymousAnonymous
jazz, gypsy-- sepia
Johnnny the Homicidal Maniac-- Aridarr
Judge Rotenberg Center-- Ana54
Lotus Notes-- gbollard
medical/medicine-- siuan
medication-- siuan
morgues/mortuaries-- Ana54
movies-- gbollard
movies, spy-- AnonymousAnonymous
neurology/psychology-- sepia
psychology/neurology-- sepia
reading-- AnonymousAnonymous
Routemaster buses-- CockneyRebel
school shootings-- Ana54
sealife-- sepia
security, airport-- Ana54
Sensory Integration Disorder--
shootings, school-- Ana54
Simpsons, The-- benjimanbreeg
snakes-- Aridarr
Spokane-- likedcalico/Spokane_Girl
spy movies-- AnonymousAnonymous
success-- benjimanbreeg
surgery, cardiovascular-- siuan
survivalism-- Icarus_Falling
tennis-- benjimanbreeg
The Simpsons-- benjimanbreeg
trapeze-- sepia
vintage England-- CockneyRebel
weapons, atypical-- rexmas, Icarus_Falling
writing-- AnonymousAnonymous

Last edited by Ana54 on 21 Dec 2007, 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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20 Dec 2007, 8:00 am

I'm not going to fill mine in. My business is mine and my own, until I choose to involve others with it.

Surely this list is rather prone to changing constantly from person to person? People with Asperger's Syndrome often have differing obsessions, after all.


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20 Dec 2007, 6:58 pm

may i add:
ana54 - statistics and list making?


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21 Dec 2007, 6:44 pm

Now the updated one is the one in the first post.


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27 Dec 2007, 6:42 am

Tim_Tex: Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, art, architecture, landscape architecture, bunnies, geology, foreign languages, foreign cultures.

Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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28 Dec 2007, 7:30 am

nzfiona - grammar, phonetics, language-use

Please add mine....?



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27 Jan 2008, 10:29 pm

Sci-fi, :alien: Music (various types) 8) History :study: :spiderman: :batman:

Do what you can when you can. I'm also the "alien"they are looking for.


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03 Feb 2008, 5:44 am

Berserker: Final Fantasy