MOTIV Personality Test
The MOTIV Personality system is based on the idea that genetics and environment result in five independent and alterable personality motivations / strategies. Each person's distinct mix on these five motivations results in an vast number of different personality orientations, as few as 32 if you consider a high/low preference on each, 243 if you consider a high/middle/low preference on each, even more when you consider that some high/low preferences will be higher/lower than others.
The MOTIV personality system is the macro (wide-angle) companion to the R-Drive personality system which covers a more detailed micro (zoomed in) approach to individual personality. The 14+ R-Drive motivations (as well as pretty much any personality characteristic) are all explained by high, medium, low preference combinations of the five MOTIV drives much the same way that every color can be decoded by it's distinct mix of primary colors.
It is important to note that the MOTIV drives are influenced by individual subjective perception of rewards. A person because of genetics and/or environment perceives certain behaviors to be rewarding (even if in the long term and/or short term, they may not be). The person with an eating disorder or drinking problem or penchant to package bad mortgages and sell them as good mortgages to retirement fund managers (wiping out people's nest eggs) perceives rewards from their behavior and that is why they continue to engage in it.
Your results:
a) Materialistic 50%
b) Offbeat 93%
c) Thinking 90%
d) Intimate 43%
e) Vital 40%
Perceived reward: (if you scored highly)
a) Being more attractive makes me happy
b) Being unconventional makes me happy
c) Being rational makes me happy
d) Serving others makes me happy
e) Being alive makes me happy
Dangerous potential flaw(s): (if you scored highly)
a) Elitist, shallow, lacking an internal compass/ethics
b) Discarding customs/traditions that have value
c) Ignoring/ignorance-of your gut/instinct/feelings
d) Being taken advantage of, ignoring self
e) Over contented-ness, over confidence
Dangerous potential flaw(s): (if you scored low)
a) Failure to contribute to the world sufficiently
b) Overly reliant on past wisdom/knowledge
c) Believing what feels right = right/truth
d) Cold hearted, selfish, as*hole
e) Depression, poor mental and/or physical health
Although, you are encouraged to think about the MOTIV system and determine your own type, based on this test, this is where you seem to be on the five MOTIV spectrums.
a) Materialistic vs. Subjectivistic
b) Offbeat vs. Conventional
c) Thinking vs. Emotional
d) Intimate vs. Witholding
e) Vital vs. Depressed
Your MOTIV type is XOTWD
Your MOTIV+ type is x|O|TWd
Your Primary type is Offbeat
MOTIV+ type notation key
Uppercase Letter = Strong motivation
Lowercase Letter = Medium motivation
x = In between, on average; no preference
|?|= Your primary motivation