SpaceCase wrote:
1.What's all the classes you have to take to become a speicial ed teacher?
You could ask your school's special ed. teacher and ask if you could help them in the classroom (I forget what the technical term is; it could be called 'student assistant' or something) then you could have experience, and put that on your record that you helped in a special ed. classroom on a college application. I would also think that taking a psychology-related class would be necessary in going to college for that major. Otherwise, I don't know the exact classes you need to take in order to become a special ed. teacher. Anyways, hope this helps.
I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.