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24 Jan 2008, 2:00 pm



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24 Jan 2008, 3:05 pm

I tried starting my own business three different times. I got taken to the cleaners by partners who got greedy when they saw the money start flowing. One business was not successful but the other two were. We could have become millionaires after a couple of years, if my partners could have stuck to the plan. I still have backers who want me to try again. I need to find an honest NT to fend off the wolves and vultures before I try again. Not to mention I need to find the courage to make the personal sacrifices of time and assets again.


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24 Jan 2008, 5:34 pm

I've started up an online marketing/media thing - made very little so far but I hope in a couple of years to be making at least a modest living :)


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24 Jan 2008, 5:54 pm

I've started up a Media creation company... well ok... we design games, and produce movies. So far our income is low but it's coming along. :)

I'm lucky in that I've found a group of friends that share my interests, are supportive of me and my "issues" without letting me use them as an excuse.

I also used to run my own computer consulting business. :)

When in trouble or in doubt; run in circles scream and shout.


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25 Jan 2008, 3:56 am

I own a small diner. A whole lot of work and worry and not much money for me -- but I love the work, the customers and my staff.
Besides no one else would hire me.

Sea Gull
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25 Jan 2008, 11:35 am

I just recently started up my own corporation centered on selling things on e-bay for now (When I get older it's going to delve into Real Estate OR I'll just set up a new company then)

Only problem is, we are totally not up and running yet. We have a lot done -- but not close to advertising :P

We are waiting for things like bank accounts, ebay account, paypal account, website, email addresses, etc.

Anyway, to get more involved with your question, I think my Asperger-driven LOVE for spreadsheets made me want to do this. It is going to take a lot of time, spreadsheet work, analysis, organization to pull this off properly (or at least, my properly) all by myself (My brother is VP of the corp, but he isn't really going to be involved with the spreadsheets too much :P -- he's mostly webdesign and customer service)


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25 Jan 2008, 2:37 pm

i used to own a ecommerce site and a freebies site and did very well, over 4 million unique visitors to those 2 sites and good money involved, had over $100,000 in sales volume. of course it all went downhill cause of traumatic events.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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25 Jan 2008, 8:26 pm

Are you planning to start one yourself, stevechoi?

I am trying right now.. but facing some unforeseen obstacles.

Emu Egg
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26 Jan 2008, 6:31 am

Earlier I had tried three small businesses, each failing the other in succession due to communication difficulties with people. I wasn't prepared for the duplicity. Also, in small business you tend to lose-out your chosen core focus to menial flailing tasks, like chasing people for debt, answering phones ... it's pretty difficult. My next move was establishing a company and focusing all the input paths through machines. This business has succeeded and I have just passed the 3rd year of strong net growth.

My advice is find that business which filters out as much people as possible. Each and every person you meet will see an advantage to take you, and if you have strong inhibitors to fight/lie/manipulate back, as most with autism do, then you'll find yourself frustrated beyond belief.

Lastly, you can do it. You can always do it! Find that path and do it.


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26 Jan 2008, 7:35 am

I own a business. "RealityTech Computing." Which is pretty much me helping people with computer problems for 50 bucks an hour as a bit of extra cash besides my full time job.

I help people "get to know" computers. (mainly older people) explaining it to them in simple terms so that they can feel confident when they go and buy a computer and can use it for whatever they want. Mainly 30-40+ people who only want a computer to keep in contact with kids that have flown the coop etc... maybe some email, and setting people up for hobbies to buy crap through ebay is a huge money spinner.

But I don't run that business in a sense that it is my only income or that I rely on it for my livelihood. Just something I did to share my knowledge and fill a void in the local computer market which I discovered when my parents went to buy a computer and I found out the salesman plain lied to them about the features and what to expect etc...

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29 Jan 2008, 8:09 pm

I started a general partnership with my spouse last June as Painting Contractors.
we got financing a couple of weeks back and now we are a corporation.
I am like a robot with it, I am doing what I think you should do in a business, not what comes naturally, whatever that is!
I am constantly stressed. Work all day and never have a moment to myself. My spouse doesn't really take it tremendously seriously, so in essence I think i have made one of the biggest mistakes of my life!
Check out the website and see what you think
or google it for the craic. Tell me what you think, I did the website with a template. It still needs a lot of work but it's getting there.
Remember when you start a business (this is for the newbies) always remember that no matter how many people you hire for various things like an accountant, lawyer, website marketing etc etc. You still have to call them to get them to do there job, by the time you have cuckolded them into doing something you were as well to do it yourself.
But always keep your accountant, bank manager and lawyer closer than your enemies cause you never know when they could be of assistance.
Politeness and good etiquette still go a long way.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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06 Feb 2008, 10:39 am

I own a small massage therapy business. i'm broke, in massive debt, but i'm finally starting to make money. even broke like i am, i wouldn't go work for someone else again. to many bad experiences.


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07 Feb 2008, 3:09 am

I started my own event photography services a few years ago. After 8 months of trying hard to make a small profit my husband moved his job to another town. All the clients I have worked for kept calling and i could've traveled to work back at home but it was not profitable that way. gas was going up.


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07 Feb 2008, 3:43 am

I run a record label and indie media agency in NZ. I love being my own boss and our creative director (my husband) is also an aspie.

Dance at Work


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13 Feb 2008, 6:53 pm

i tried starting my own business almost two years ago...didn't really have much success at it (my own fault) and have now decided to take a second go at it...and i have a friend this time who is determined to help me succeed with it...she has some experience with the kind of thing i want to do and is going to help me out by doing a lot of the sales/marketing stuff. i'm actually looking forward to this attempt.

friends are like balloons...once you let them go, you can't get them back.
To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.


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13 Feb 2008, 7:54 pm

That's the spirit!