apparently, I'm ret*d.

Joined: 24 Jan 2008
Age: 45
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I had people try to stick me in places like that, fortunately I didn't put up with it. I eventually found a "real" job, and I seem to be doing quite well. But it took a while...
What you might find interesting is not all Down Syndrome people are retarded- I had known a girl back when I was still in school who had an average level IQ. She seemed like an intelligent person, and even said she wanted to have kids one day.
That's BS!
I'd've slapped that A-hole silly!
Sorry, things like that just get me really worked up.
I have AS, and I'm not even close to being ret*d.
I'm (mentally) far above and beyond the average person.
You sound like you should be put in MENSA, not a mongoloid farm.
Jesus, these people really have no idea what AS is...
The bats have left the bell tower
The victims have been bled
Bela Lugosi's dead
Undead undead undead
The virginal brides file past his tomb
Strewn with time's dead flowers
Bereft in deathly bloom
Alone in a darkened room
I finished school last june, and since then I've been sitting at home doing nothing. Then a couple of weeks ago, I finally got told that someone would help me get some sort of activity during the days.(For different reasons, I can't handle a "real" job.) So he takes me to check some things out. The first place is, or so I've been told, a place where people with different disorders can sew and do a bit of whatever they want. Turns out it's a workshop for, lack of a better word; ret*ds. My mother in law went with me as moral support, and she recognized several of the people there(she used to work at a "daycare" for mongoloids and the like). He tells me to think about it for a couple of weeks, and drives us home.
Yesterday, he took us to another place that he told us was mostly for people with aspergers or autism. When we go inside, we're greeted by 3 mongoloids. Turns out, this is exactly the same, except it's with painting instead of sewing. This time, I f-ing explode. I ask him what exactly he thinks aspergers syndrom is, he tells me he knows what it is and that he thought this was something that'd "suit me". I simply tell him to go to hell, and then I walk home.
My mother in law was with me this time too, and later that day she was on the phone with her friend who she also used to work with. Turns out her friend knows the person that's supposed to help me, not personally, but apparently they've worked at the same place or something like it. And she tells my mother in law, who then tells me, that this person never has worked with people like me, only "ret*ds".
The thing is, on the preliminary meeting, I specifically told him that I not, under any circumstances, wanted to be put together with that sort of people. And I wasn't unclear about it, I said, and I quote: "I don't want to lumped together with ret*ds, I want something as close as possible to a real job, preferably with animals"
And, that's it, basically. Sorry for the bad english by the way.
This post was somewhat disrespectful... How can you insult other groups of disabled peers if you are disabled in a way yourself...?