Shinmizu wrote:
Pugly wrote:
So as the title says, I recently graduated with a degree in Mathematics. Joy of joys... it's supposed to be a proud moment in my life. But now my situation is sinking in and I can't find anything to do with my new-fangled degree.
Do you have any interest or background in programming? Having a math background seems to provide a benefit in the development of algorithms over the average coder (personal experience shows me cases where a regular CS major would write code that ran in fifteen minutes that a fellow math major coworker could get to run in under a second).
I do have interest in this type of programming. And that is exactly the kind of strength I showed in the CS program. There were many times when my solution used much less code and was many times faster than the brute force "copy and paste" program the average CS student was coming up with.
My problem is one of forgetting all the CS jargon and the detailed syntax of many programing languages. Especially it seems with using the standard libraries that most software is developed with...
If I worked with a language in a full time capacity for a couple of years I am sure I would be able to overcome these difficulties and then some. But for the time being I can't say I know any language well enough to work with it in a job environment. But maybe I'm being to hyper-critical of my programing skills...
Just_some_guy_dave: Thanks for the info about the 'business' side of your actuarial job. That definitely puts the job in a more favorable light for me. How did you get started doing that kind of work? Did you past tests first or did you get the job then start passing tests. I'm sure the first couple of tests would be easy for me with a bit of preparation. I looked at a practice test... not too bad...
I am chilling out for a while

, but with no drugs... not my thing. I am letting my hair grow out.
I got an interview at a video store next week... that shouldn't be too bad for a McJob.
I keep flipping between pursing a career in Stand Up comedy while holding down these crappy jobs... or just settling down and focusing on one of the aforementioned career paths.
Thanks for all the responses, everyone.
Wonder what it feels like to be in love?
How would you describe it, like a push or shove?
Guess I could pretend that this is all I need
Wanting more than what I have might appear as greed.