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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Jan 2009, 12:53 am

Hello Everyone!

Some of you may have the same problem as me. I'm looking for health insurance that will cover some of the cost of supplements and doctor visits.

I can't find a rate that's affordable anywhere. I was wondering if any of you have heard of a group based insurance rate for people that have Aspergers. I've searched all over the internet and can't find anything.

Has anyone here managed to get any health insurance coverage for some of the expensive doctor visits and supplements that are involved in treating Aspergers?


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28 Jan 2009, 1:32 am

Medical insurance never pays for supplements. Also most insurance plans currently exclude the treatment of Aspergers and other developmental disorders. There's really no treatment for Aspergers anyway other than maybe psychotherapy. You can usually get cash discounts or sliding scale discounts from psychologists if you don't have insurance. And also keep in mind even if you do have insurance it doesn't always pay for psychologists. You can also check your local social services for free counseling for Medicaid patients then get on Medicaid.

I would suggest going to Voc Rehab and asking them for help. Sometimes they will pay for an occupational therapist for Aspies. Insurance generally will not cover occupational therapy unless its in the case of someone having an accident or surgery.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Jan 2009, 4:44 am

I am assuming you are an American. Getting affordable healthcare can be tricky. It depends on what state you reside, your income, your family status, and your age. Some states offer low income insurance; you would pay a lower premium than others. Or depending on your age, you can still be on your parents insurance. Or if you have a domestic partner, you can be placed on his/her insurance (this is where location is key). Basically we would need a little more information to help you.


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28 Jan 2009, 5:15 am

You may find that enrolling as full-time student in a college or university will get you student health insurance that, even with the cost of tuition, is cheaper than what you could get otherwise and covers more. But may force you to use the student health center instead of whatever clinic you happen to like.


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28 Jan 2009, 7:39 am

Like other here have said, "The type and cost of insurance depends so much upon locality." I am a classic Autie, and I have found that the cost of insurance even with very limited coverage runs around $1200 to $1800 per month. Unless an autistic person is a ward of the state, there are essentially no services available. In Florida, there is a new program that does cover those with pre-existing conditions: I hope you live in Florida, where you can get minimum health insurance for an affordable cost. This plan is available simply because the government has decided not to meddle.

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