shinylight wrote:
I've done it before, but in this economy I'm not sure what to do. Usually I get rejected by almost every employer based strictly on physical appearance. I even had one employer straight say sorry, you aren't right for this job without even talking to me. That was a painful one.
What a sad sack eh? I am trying to find a job with minimal human contact, like a graveyard gas station job or something. Wish me luck.
Anyone have any ideas on jobs with minimum of human contact? I've done phone support before, and again the gas station thing. I really try to avoid being anywhere in public because I just can't stand being around people. I think it's actually RUDE for me to be around them too. I probably scare little kids. Maybe I'm in the wrong place, let me know if you think thats it.
Thanks for any advice.
everyone has to start somewhere, so apply to store for night/morning warehouse duty, apply to become a dishwasher at the local pizza shop, janitor, etc. then after a year you have something to put on your resume and you can look for other jobs. ask all your family members and people you know that you need any job you can get that you can do alone. some people work best alone. enjoying solitude at work is an ADVANTAGE to some employers where NTs would die from boredom