I need some serious advice before noon monday PLEASE!
Ok, I am 20 yrs old, and I have never had a job before. Of any kind. No volanteering or anything. Now I have an interview for a job I kinda want. It's for cook/dishwash at a pizza parlour. People have been telling me that the employees do a little of each... including waiting on the customers. I have horrible social skills. I graduated highschool 2 years ago, and have had nill social interaction outside of immediate family since that time.
I need to know what they will ask in the interview, and how to answer the questions. I looked at the article about it, but that had answers for people who are looking for a carreer they want to keep. This is my first ever job, that I will have to get money to pay for college, my car, and maybe other stuff.
Please try to help me. I will be checking this multiple times a day till noon monday.
Just answer all questions honestly. Its been my experience with these types of jobs that all you have to be is clean to get the job. They are probably desperate for someone and no matter how nervous you are you will get the job. Just be honest with them and tell them you are nervous because this is your first job interview. I am sure they will understand. They were probably nervous at their first interview, also.
I am going to give you some advice that most people don't want to hear:
During the interview:
1) Be yourself.
2) Be honest.
3) Don't fudge your resume.
1) I have been in the position of having to hire people, and the thing I want to know the most is who it is I am going to be working along side of.
2 & 3) I would rather hire an honest person who admits to having a criminal record that a person with a clean record who fudges their resume.
I cannot give you direct pointers on how to act at an interview. In the end you will be judged according to
1) Whether you seem to be who you say you are.
2) Whether or not you can do the job.
3) Whether or not the person hiring you can work with you or not.
All interview questions will be structured around finding answers to these questions. The more honest and direct you are, the fewer questions they will ask of you. And if you don't get the job, then be thankful, because it means in one way or another, you were not cut out for it and you would be miserable there, most likely because you would not be able to get along with your boss.
Keep in mind that what people normally do at interviews is the equivalent of a shell game. The interviewee sneakliy tries to make himself appear that he can do the job, and the interviewer sneakliy tries to find out whether or not the person can REALLY do the job. If you cut out the sneakiness, you make the interviewer's job a lot easier and they will be greatful for that.
Good luck, and God Bless.
From 2 Peter 1:10 So, dear brothers and sisters, work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. Doing this, you will never stumble or fall away.
It will probably be a basic, entry level job interview so you're not going to need a huge resume. Most employers ask basic questions including (but not limited to)...
"Why do you want this job?"
"What do you think you will bring to this team?"
"Have you had any experience?"
"Are there specific times you can or cannot work?"
And then come the tough ones.
"Describe what you would do if you were in a (insert situation here) type of situation?"
"Have you ever dealt with (insert situation) before? What did you do to handle it?"
"What would you do if you saw something, or were asked to do something that you know is wrong?"
A lot of times, if it is a franchise or big business, they have a test they have you take. The questions on those vary, but they're pretty straight forward and you have to really screw up and check the box for "I would rob the safe at night if I closed" to not get the job. (And there probably isn't a question like that, but you get the idea...right?)
My first job interview was when I was 17, at Taco Bell. It was three managers on one side of the table and me on the other side. Taco Bell had one of those tests, so all they really asked me was when I could start, if I would be available at certain times, and if I had any questions.
My next job interview was a totally wrong job for me--telephone customer service for Sprint--but the interview didn't weed me out. They had a test as well, and only asked if I could work all week without any exception other than two days randomly assigned off.
The job I have now was different. I actually sat in with the HR manager, in a chair lower than hers (seriously!) and was asked all the questions listed above. The hard ones were where I had to pretend I was in a given situation and tell her what I would do. I don't know about you, but I won't know what I'll do in a situation until it happens because there are so many variables that play into it---but I didn't say that. I knew that she was looking for the basic "I'd go talk to the next person up in the chain of command" answer.
I got the job, and I didn't even make eye contact with her once.
So, don't stress it, be honest, and just tell them up front that you're really nervous.
Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

Joined: 30 Aug 2004
Age: 38
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People work together a lot at all different jobs.
I would say the best thing you can do is try to tackle your work, say as many positive things as you can and enjoy what you do.
This, I can do. I have a really hard time lying, and if I do manage, everyone can tell.
"Why do you want this job?"
"What do you think you will bring to this team?"
"Have you had any experience?"
"Are there specific times you can or cannot work?"
And then come the tough ones.
"Describe what you would do if you were in a (insert situation here) type of situation?"
"Have you ever dealt with (insert situation) before? What did you do to handle it?"
"What would you do if you saw something, or were asked to do something that you know is wrong?"
I wouldn't consider the last ones to be the tough ones. The first 2 (why i want the job, and what i'll bring to the team) to be the hardest. All I can think of for those 2 are "because I figured it was time for me to get one, and for the second I have no clue. suggestions on how to answer the first two would be nice
1) Be yourself.
2) Be honest.
3) Don't fudge your resume.
In the end you will be judged according to
1) Whether you seem to be who you say you are.
2) Whether or not you can do the job.
3) Whether or not the person hiring you can work with you or not.
All interview questions will be structured around finding answers to these questions. The more honest and direct you are, the fewer questions they will ask of you.
I think I can do all this. Except that I have a slight aversion to fire/hot things. Fewer questions are a good thing.
And if they ask what my strengths/weaknesses are should I tell them that I am not really a people person or should a avoid that and say something else? For strenths I think i'd just say timely and organised. This is so hard for me because I really don't know myself.

For a job such as the one you're interviewing for tomorrow, I have a feeling you'd be likely to get more like an informal chat, rather than a full blown interview. So don't worry too much.
When I say I think it's likely to be an informal chat, it's to see if you're someone they can get along with. Just be positive, smile, make eye contact, appear enthusiastic, and be open. I know you say it's difficult for you socially, but just be pleasant and be amiable.
Good luck!
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