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13 May 2009, 12:47 pm

I know, we all do. I just graduated today with a BA in English. Now I have loans to start paying back, so of course I need work. Ugh. When the hell will we start pulling out of this?


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13 May 2009, 1:51 pm

I got a BA in English too.

Good luck with finding a job. You'll probablydo better than me regardless of how well the job market gets.


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20 May 2009, 1:37 pm

Do you guys know what you intend to do with a BA in English?


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22 May 2009, 1:19 pm time soon.

The press is not discussing how far reaching the economic disaster is.

Focus on just finding any job.

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Tufted Titmouse

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28 May 2009, 11:18 pm

There's actually more you can do with a BA in English than what the media and the musical Avenue Q want you to believe.
Basically you just have to twist words to prove to employers why you'd be an asset for them.
You could also look into programs for being an english teacher/teaching assistant overseas.

I hope the economy gets better soon too. I'm halfway done through college and can't find a summer job.
My mom's getting on my ass, wondering if I filled out applications and sent them out. Honestly, why would I submit applications to places that have told me that they aren't hiring?

Jesus was an anarchist.


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29 May 2009, 11:05 am

I just got back from teaching in China. I would recommend working with a company rather than on your own. It is tough even there to get and keep a job.

Though, how much would you guys want to write research papers on various topics and have them "published". I am thinking about doing this on my site, but I don't know how much to offer for something so simple. The idea is not fully fleshed out yet, but give me feedback. I'll see what I can work up for funding so people with BAs can get some writing experience to put on the resume.


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29 May 2009, 11:12 am

Do loans help you feel more pressure to find work so you can pay them back? :?:

Bitcoin is not complex. If you understand Public-key cryptography, Digital Signatures and Proof of Work algorithms like HashCash(SHA-2/SHA-256) as a concept it will not be too hard to comprehend it.


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29 May 2009, 11:56 am

one1ai wrote:
Do loans help you feel more pressure to find work so you can pay them back? :?:

No. They just create more ulcers when you find you're not bringing in enough to ever pay them off. :cry: :evil:


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30 May 2009, 11:33 am

Haha. Couldn't have said it better meself, Zer0netgain. I'm currently happy that I'm back in school so I can defer my payments until I can (hopefully) find a job that will allow me to pay them and eat at the same time.


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30 May 2009, 11:34 am

Haha. Couldn't have said it better meself, Zer0netgain. I'm currently happy that I'm back in school so I can defer my payments until I can (hopefully) find a job that will allow me to pay them and eat at the same time.


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30 May 2009, 6:39 pm

And after you graduate we can work on your nasty habit of double-posting. :P :lol: 8)


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08 Jun 2009, 7:14 pm

Oddly, I remember posting once, and at that time my Internet connection crashed. I guess this forum likes to make sure I'm heard. :lol: