Just curious, has anyone worked with Accountemps here on this forum? I'm back in college right now (already have an undergrad on my wall) working toward the classes required to sit in for the CPA exam in Illinois. Meanwhile, my current job is great and squeaks by for me with the bills (I guess in typical autistic fashion, I don't have a compulsive need for "stuff" and hanging out on the weekends), but it's losing its challenge, and the upward mobility where I'm at is slim to none. I figured I might as well look for some entry level temp work in the accountancy field to gain some work experience and maybe make some connections also. My social skills are far more developed than they were a few years ago, so I'm not overly worried about dealing with people. As long as I'm not a paid scapegoat, I think I can manage with some snooty people. Anyways, if any of you on the Autistic spectrum have knowledge or experiences to share, that'd be excellent. Thanks in advance!
I have applied for work with them but nothing yet... Seems like they are flooded with people with CPA and CMA certifications and years of experience....
Once my life stabilizes a bit, I will crack the books and get parts one and two done for the CMA exam, and part 3 a few months later... I am lacking around 6 credits to take the CPA exam but would probally do that in a few years myself...
I have been putting feelers out there but getting no bites at all.... even as a bookkeeper or that type of entry work.... I am in Michigan and there is no work up here unless you really know people, a government job, medical or some food types of jobs...
I even have the 2008 quickbooks program, accountants version and can not find any jobs as a freelancing bookkeeper... 6 years of college with 4 degrees and I can not find work around here unless it is 8.50/hr at a fast food place, even those are hard to get into...
Stay where you're at for the tiem being... maybe look into doing some work for the experience as a volunteer for a non-profit 501c3 type of business, also looks good on a resume...
Alright, thanks for the advice! My hours just got cut, and I applied for an open job a step up from where I'm at in my department, and I basically had all my hard work and dedication spat upon when I was told I was beyond qualified yet somehow not qualified for the job. I have to learn to quit being a pushover and stand up for myself.
I am not 100% sure what you mean by 'Accountemps'? I have done a lot of work for an accounting firm before (four years), let me know what type of work you will be doing and perhaps I can help. I really enjoyed working as an accountant, but had a difficult boss so I quit. The work was lots of fun though.
I am not 100% sure what you mean by 'Accountemps'? I have done a lot of work for an accounting firm before (four years), let me know what type of work you will be doing and perhaps I can help. I really enjoyed working as an accountant, but had a difficult boss so I quit. The work was lots of fun though.
Here's the website:
I'll let you know if and when I have questions though.

I am not 100% sure what you mean by 'Accountemps'? I have done a lot of work for an accounting firm before (four years), let me know what type of work you will be doing and perhaps I can help. I really enjoyed working as an accountant, but had a difficult boss so I quit. The work was lots of fun though.
Here's the website:
I'll let you know if and when I have questions though.

Oh! A company. Sorry I should have guessed

Ok well good luck for your CPA/job

Temp agencies are great when you're out of work because you can earn money while looking for a full time job, and boost your resume a bit with slightly different experiences.
But leaving a full time job for possible accountemps jobs? Bad idea. Accountemps is huge and won't really give a damn about any of the people's personal lives, they just want the best candidates to sell to companies looking for work (not that they're bad people for that, but just an idea of the environment). I was test ran through 2 jobs with accountemps, both as accounting clerks (keep in mind I was a graduate from a pretty good school, these were borderline jobs for someone w/ an AS degree). Not sure why, but neither decided to keep me around on a long term basis.
Accountemps can be a great resource, but if you're currently working, I do not recommend it. There is absolutely no job security in temp jobs.
What I think you should do is go to accountemps, talk w/ a recruiter, and be SURE to tell them what you're looking for.
Say that you currently have a stable job, but the job is irrelevant to your career goals; that you'd rather some lower level accounting work. Even a part time job (like 10 hours / week of bookkeeping) will add value to your resume, and you won't have to quit your current job.
Of course, by telling them you already work, you pretty much eliminate yourself from any of the immediate-placement jobs, but trust me, you do not want those.
I'm not working full time, and I definitely need to be working more hours right now. I have a resume in with them, but haven't gotten a call back. I did interview recently with recruiters in another temp agency, but something tells me they were simply looking to collect another resume on their stack of millions.
I had a good experience with them in the past, while I was attending school. Of course, the economy was better then, but a lot depends on your location. I'll probably end up back with them later this year. It seems like a lot of places do direct hire through them. At the very least, you can get some experience.
I must say, I really loved Accountemps. They got the whole thing. The only thing bad was they sent us out for only a few days work, after saying it would be weeks.