passionatebach wrote:
I agree with customer service and telemarketing being jobs that most people with Aspergers would have trouble with. I currently work in a customer service position and even though it pays well with benefits, there is a lot of emotional dealings with people, and I at times find the job very abrupt.
One of the best jobs for those with AS (even though it doesn't pay well and has crappy benefits) is security guard, especially in night watchman/industrial security positions. You have to make rounds and do other little jobs, but most of the time the job follows a routine and in many occassions you have time in between rounds to read, listen to music or work on your special interest.
Jobs where you have more of a routine or rhythm, and limited personal interaction with people are probably the best jobs for those with AS.
This Feels Right to Me. I have already begun 'Adult education classes toobtain GED [MATH skills are horrible and Spelling has to be worked on] I'm in a high percentile in other areas,and will begin Courses in Criminal Justice soon. Although My altamate aim is Park Ranger or similer, I could work with 'Night Watchman, as I Dislike Trivial 'hair' and Nails' conversations around 'the water cooler'. In my opinion,the Benefits of a largely Quiet,Peaceful Work environment, Far out weigh the monetary ones.