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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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06 Oct 2006, 1:11 pm

StereoKid i just got back on today and read your last post from june 25. I am almost done high school (finally!) and i have been meeting with a person from the youth employment division of the labor department. i have and idea about what i want to do after i graduate (hopefully in a few weeks) i am thinking about getting a job with the National Park Service (NPS).

I Read your post and your welcome for the input. and your definatly on the right path. just remember that even if when you have "the job of your dreams" that some days are probably going to suck. my mother got a promotion a couple of months ago to a different section of the state labor dept. and the job is not at all what she thought it would be, she has had several really bad days but is doing her best to fix the problems.

now to the point. (oh by the way a few of these points are going to be sarcastic jokes :wink: )

1. if and/or when you are independently wealthy remember to always have three things on speed dial on all of your phones.
a) 911 for all of the bottom feeders who instead of doing a days work in their lives decide it would be easier to slip in some rich persons yard and then sue for some rediculous amount of money for no other reason then they are lazy.
b) a lawyer to deal with all of the people mentioned above.
c) a high end security system for... well you know what a security system does.
d) A large insurance policy to deal with any items stolen or any of the suits the don't go in your favor.

2. good friend are alway important though you probably already knew that. and remember again that if and/or when you are rich make sure that you don't have any of those "friend" who only are your friends because of your money. a true friend is someone who does not like you for what you have but for who you are no matter your finacial or social standing. they can get you through the worst day in your life.

3. make sure that you alway have a way to relax.

4. and last but not least if you hit rock bottom then the only place to go is up (or if your in the southern hemisphere that would be down :lol: )

P.S. by the way i just read in TIME magizine that the housing market in North Dakota is really cheap. and i don't mean the construction.

From Childhood's hour I have not been
As others were--I have not seen
As others saw--I could not bring
My passions from a common spring
"Alone" Edgar Allan Poe 1829

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 Oct 2006, 11:02 am

Stereokid wrote:
I can't become a software engineer because my math skills suck.

99% of programming and Software Engineering does not require math skills any higher than basic algebra. They will make you take upper-level math in college but that's only to help with the employment of the math department. Most C.S. grads I've talked to said that they haven't used Calculus at all in the real world.