Take some sample cv templates help to design.. http://www.cvtemplate.net has suitable templates.
Tassie wrote:
I would definitely try and get it done professionally.
I have had to work through large stacks of CVs, and believe me, when you have several hundred applicants per job, you simply cannot read them all. Rather like working through the slush pile, I had simple rules that enabled me to trim to a manageable number. All the following were binned, usually unread:
Cheap photocopying of poor legibility and/or slanted across the paper
Coloured paper
'look at me' tricks like word art, clip art and fancy borders
Photographs (unless specifically requested)
Illegible or coloured fonts
Bound resumes
Family as referees (unless working for a family company)
Religious imagery, references or quotes
A CV should be simple, clearly printed in a standard font, properly spaced on decent weight white, or light cream, paper. In many cases that alone will see you through the first cull.
Give me something that hands me the information I need quickly and without fuss!