The way the question is phrased is indeed confusing: do you consider that you may have a disability? Personally, now that I know about AS, and feel it affects me in different areas of my life, I consider I have a disability. I also consider that it impacts on my work because when I get very OCD or have difficulties talking to people and relating to them, to me, that means it is impacting. HOWEVER, I am not diagnosed. I am an adult, I learned ways of functioning even with what possibly is AS. Also, when I say I feel AS impacts on my work, I kow it does, but I am such a high achiever and I spend so much time fighting my Aspie traits most of my colleagues would laugh in my face if they were to know. If high achiever me didn't have AS, I'd be an even better worker, but I look pretty professional as it is.
Also, maybe I am so little autistic that I would get a diagnosis saying I do not have this, even if I consider I have a disability. So the whole "consider" thing is rather weird. It would be better to ask if you had been officially diagnosed with something.
The question itself is a Catch 22 one. The REAL question though is would you want to work for someone who discriminated against you because you ticked that box. So given a chance, I would tick that box, because if you are going to discriminate AS people, guess what, even in a recession I will have NOTHING to do with you. A matter of self respect really.