Anyone ever been fired?
I worked as a night security guard at a warehouse servicing (now defunct). The place was moderately big, with high end retail handbags and jewelry and the like. They had this big safe with maybe two million dollars and particularly expensive jewelry in it. It had its own alarm that only the general manager could shut off. The job itself was pretty kush, just watching security monitors and walking around the perimeter every once in a while. About a month after working nights, I started getting bored... since I was the only one there at night I decided to bring in a snare drum to learn how to play drums. So I'm wailing away at this drum for like 30 minutes when all of a sudden, the alarms are going off... I drop the drumsticks and check out the monitors and theres a warning on the screen "safe shock alarm". The phone starts ringing and its the General manager at his house, getting ready to come to the warehouse, asking me whats going on. I told him about the safe shock alarm.. "what set it off"? he asked. I replied "maybe it was the resonance from the drum?". "what do you mean?" so I explained to him that drums send vibrations through the air and if they were strong enough maybe they could set off an alarm designed to trigger when a safe is tampered with. They reviewed security footage of me playing a snare drum, poorly, and I got fired that morning.. it also effectively ruined my drum career.