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20 Mar 2014, 3:18 pm

I have been in the same minimum wage retail job now for 7 years. I feel completely trapped, i don't have the confidence to move on, or the health. Every day i get up only to dread my part time work, and if i don't work, i don't get working tax credits and i will lose my cheap flat. The hours at work seem to span a whole day, and i have no energy to do anything else. Its destroying me to stay, but am too scared to move, and the prospect of another pointless part time job are little motivation. When will it end?!


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20 Mar 2014, 5:49 pm

This isn't going to help at all, but it sounds like you really need to move on.

You could approach it one thing at a time. You've waited 7 years, a few more weeks are nothing.

First thing you need to do is cobble together an up-to-date resume. That way, you have one to hand people/e-mail people. You also have something to copy/paste from when you encounter online application systems. If you aren't sure what exactly you do on a daily basis, look up a current job description for your position.

The next thing you need to do is figure out a) what is so draining about your current position, and b) why you've stuck around for 7 years. This may help you better understand your talent/skills/limitations as an employee.

Once you have that figured out, you're ready to figure out where you fit in. Would you be better off as a production specialist in a cleanroom? Would you be better off as a security guard? Etc.

When you have all of that, then it's time to start rounding up references and writing cover letters.

One more thing:
If your job is your entire life, that could be part of your problem. Think about volunteering. Think about singing at a karaoke contest if you're a singer. Think about selling some art at an art festival if you're an artist. Think about taking some classes at your local community college or community center. Think about hiking with some friends or with a Yahoo hiking group.

I wish you the best.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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24 Mar 2014, 8:36 am

One of BetwixtBetween's suggesetions was about going back to school. Take a course for something that you love. It could become the focus of your days, make your resume more enticing, and maybe you would meet new people. If you think you are too tired after working you unpleasant job, you might be surprised. It might wake you up and give you something positive to focus on.

I hope you find a way out of your current situation!


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29 Mar 2014, 11:59 am

I let myself be stuck in the Walmart world for well over a year after I got my degree. I was able to get out with the help of a friend who got me into a commission only textbook buying gig. The thought of commission only sales work scared the hell out of me at first considering the social requirements and uncertainty that a commission job brings, but once I got into it I found that the pursuit of money aided my salesmanship skills greatly. (That job brought me to some dark, dark places :twisted:)
I ended up getting a job at a small newspaper, but looking back the textbook buying job was a crucial part of my life.