Working at a chip shop when I was fifteen years old. I was living on my own, and I wasn't allowed to work officially because of my age, or claim any benefits for the same reason, so I worked for my landlord to cover my rent. I worked every single hour I could in that place, serving customers and cleaning, and it really was awful. I absolutely despised it. He also had me cleaning the communal areas in the building my bedsit was in. That was a nightmare, because one of the people who lived there was just the most vile human. He would ban me from using the kitchen which meant I couldn't store food in cupboards, the fridge or freezer, I wasn't allowed to cook, make a cup of tea etc. and he would spit on the work surfaces and leave food like sauces and stuff, or spilled sugar and hot drinks on the surfaces so they stuck like glue, for me to clean (he was worse than this but I don't want to go into it). The landlord didn't care. He was making me work well after the shop had closed and I frequently wouldn't finish until well past midnight, he never paid me a single penny for that or cleaning the house, and said my pay was only covering the rent. I also had to clean his flat as well. I hated working with customers who were stroppy if I made a mistake, and the till didn't work so I had to do the maths in my head and I am useless at maths so every day was a panic. He would scream at me if I didn't serve someone fast enough, or if I forgot that a specific customer had certain tastes like wanted a ton of mayonnaise on his chips, or if I made a mistake and didn't wrap food well enough, or if I didn't give his 'special' customers as many chips as he saw fit etc. God he was just a nightmare. I think the thing I hated more than that was the fact I knew he was taking advantage because he could. He knew the position I was in, and he used it.