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12 May 2023, 12:58 pm

What kind of bad and wrong actions and statements did your bosses allegedly make?

What bad things did they get away with doing?


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13 May 2023, 3:39 pm

Had one who would make the, "Shoo away" when he was done talking to people, another pushed my hand off a keyboard, several have laughed when something horrific happened to one of us. Oddly enough, one of thee best best I've ever had bought coke from one of nicest coworkers ever & they immediately told everyone.


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13 May 2023, 4:00 pm

At my previous job (a care home for dementia patients) we weren't allowed to leave any cleaning chemicals laying about unattended, which was understandable and I was aware of the rule from day one. So one day, like I always did every day I'd locked my cleaning equipment safely away while I went for my coffee break, and when I came back I got my cleaning equipment back out and continued on with my work - to find my boss bellowing at me about leaving my chemicals out unattended and that she had to come and lock them away. I knew that my cleaning equipment had been locked away safely, and so I calmly told her that the chemicals she had saw weren't mine.
But she called me a liar and carried on shouting at me, making me feel belittled. Then I felt rage building up inside me, because I hate being falsely accused and disbelieved, so I took my chemicals back to the cupboard then cried my eyes out. Another colleague asked what was the matter and I told her. She said the chemicals that the boss saw were her chemicals that were just left outside the door of the room she was in, just for a couple of minutes, but the boss had happened to come along at the exact time she was out of view, and had assumed they were mine and that I'd just gone and left them (being in a room with the door open and chemicals outside wasn't classed as leaving them unattended, but the boss thought they were literally left unattended, by me).
It wasn't the colleague's fault, in fact she went straight to the boss and told her it was her chemicals and that she shouldn't have spoken to me like that. I don't know what the boss said then, as I was calming myself down in the staff room, comforted by another colleague.

I was very unhappy that day. The boss never did apologise, although she was nice to me after that. I guess you don't always have to say sorry to apologise, you can be apologetic in your actions like she was, so I forgave her. I don't really hold grudges, if someone is nice to me, even after upsetting me, then I be nice back.



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13 May 2023, 4:23 pm

I had a boss who would appear out of nowhere, complain that I "wasn't really working out" and then leave.

After a few months of that I started stealing something every single time it happened; eventually I quit because my thefts were amounting to half of my wages.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
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13 May 2023, 4:36 pm

^ 5 fingered discount dude not theft :jester:

What bad things did they get away with doing?

Not the big boss but he was head chef and I was only a potwash. The restaurant used to feed students and was supposed to make a Halal and non Halal option. When I was asked to get the chicken from the fridge I asked which was the Halal chicken and he said we have none and the students wouldn't be able to taste the difference 8O
I needed the job badly & had a newborn at home otherwise I would have walked out and been a whistleblower.

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22 May 2023, 2:40 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
What kind of bad and wrong actions and statements did your bosses allegedly make?

What bad things did they get away with doing?

My first boss at the grocery store got away with paying me nothing despite working there for months simply because I am disabled.I dont know if thats legal or not. Also the Big Box Store boss got away with hiring me even though I had to pay for my own job coach so my family was actually losing money each hour I worked there. My family was effectively paying for me to work at the Big Box Store.


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22 May 2023, 2:48 am

One boss said nothing more than, "You're not working out", hand me my final paycheck, and walked me to the door.

I spent the next week signing him up for every sweepstakes at every mall and for visitation from every church within a 50-mile radius; finally, I dropped a dime on him with the IRS.

I do not know if the business moved, or they went out of business, but there was a "For Sale" sign on the property a year later.

(This was before the Internet made such things much easier.)


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24 May 2023, 7:46 am

Oh, I can make a long list of things that my current boss does and did, and things that my previous boss did.

My previous bosses often gaslighted me and committed cherry-picking. I was very angry because there was another provocation from my boss towards me. My previous bosses never wanted to teach me new skills because they diagnosed me with a learning disorder.

Now my boss sent mails to me and other colleagues with the questions what work they do, what they like about their work, what ambitions they have, what they wish to learn. Not only them, but also me. I told my boss I don't want to answer those questions, because I don't see any point in answering them. Yes, there are things that I want to learn by practicing, by new education, new skills etc., but they never where interested.

A few years ago I had a diploma of Executive Secretary (so I could have such a profession). I know many people say it is a tough education, but I completed it without help. But he said he want a skilled Executive Secretary, who is socially flexible. (In my country most of the secretaries are women, but I don't see why a man cannot do that) I don't know whether I am socially flexible. I don't know much about my skills. I could learn them and practice, but I don't get a chance.

I know that new teachers get coaching and do things wrong. They are allowed to do things wrong, but after a few lessons, their way of teaching must improve and make less errors. In my case, errors are not tolerated, so they prevent me from advancing in skills and make improvements. There aren't appraisal talks either. Coaching is refused. And some colleagues irritate me: they say I am a bit too curious. But they don't want to tell much; they think I shouldn't know everything.

But the list of stupid actions from bosses is quite long. Because of my course Executive Secretary (in which management, leadership, organisation is a part of it), I know there are many thing wrong. If I were a boss, I will do things different. I won't make any difference between colleagues (whose boss I would be). If I make a difference, it is about their skills and how they relate with each other. I won't look at someone's autism, I am only interested in someone's skills and performance (are there errors in his work or aren't there?) and if there are complaints.


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25 May 2023, 11:56 am

It is strange. Colleagues say to me: I am too curious, but they don't want to tell me much. My previous bosses told me that I don't know much about the organisation and I should learn. How then? Yes, I would like to participate in the proces. But she (a previous boss) told me: That is not the way to do.

They play games. When I am very honest about it: they get upset, but won't fire me easily. What rights do I actually have? Can bosses do what pleases them?


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31 May 2023, 6:21 am

If there is anything I have learned about the grievance process in a union environment with a CBA violation, the company usually pays for the arbitrator to hear your case. Anything related to a right to manage clause in the CBA usually ties to company policy. Because of those two factors, Arbitrators are likely to side with managers over the employee (they won't get more assignments the more they side with employees). Also likely is the employer will bind you to a non disclosure agreement if it means getting away with more bs with you or other employees down the road.

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31 May 2023, 6:27 am

hmk66 wrote:
It is strange. Colleagues say to me: I am too curious, but they don't want to tell me much. My previous bosses told me that I don't know much about the organisation and I should learn. How then? Yes, I would like to participate in the proces. But she (a previous boss) told me: That is not the way to do.

They play games. When I am very honest about it: they get upset, but won't fire me easily. What rights do I actually have? Can bosses do what pleases them?

Not really. We had a boss who got fired for unfairly firing an employee. Even if a boss is in charge of a whole business or company he or she can't do entirely what they want because people could easily sue the company or take the boss to court.



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04 Jun 2023, 10:50 am

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08 Jun 2023, 3:05 pm

I had a manager who literally used to shout at me every time he saw me. It was absolutely hilarious. I might only be leaning on a wall and he'd shout at me as if he was a sergeant major and I was one of his soldiers.

He had a south African accent and it got to a point where other people on the shop floor used to do impressions of him shouting at me across the warehouse. One of the guys was really good at it and I must confess that I almost jumped out of my skin on more than one occasion.

It was such a bizarre scenario. I think he liked me really but I was really young at the time and a bit drug crazed. F*ck we all were.

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08 Jun 2023, 3:51 pm

Honey69 wrote:

as I spit on the sh***y clit of a stupid f*****g idiot

:lmao: Classic.

Another man's freedom fighter, one man's terrorist is - Yoda (probably)