Have any of you had a coworker who had no sense of personal space? I am a very non-physical person, I don't really like hugs or touching or even people standing at all close to me. I work in an office/cubicle situation, and I have a NT coworker who will often come up and stand right behind me, looking over my shoulder at what I'm working on. I'm new, so he seems to think it's part of his job to make sure I'm doing things right. I'm anti-confrontational (can't do it, can't do anything that I think *may* cause a problem. It's a mental block). Is there anything I can say to him, without making it seem like a big deal? On days when I forget my panic attack medicine, I get to the point of physical shaking when he does that. He's a wonderfully nice guy, other than that, and he means no harm. Ideas?