Trwn wrote:
Everything will go through, in one way or another.
Sometimes one quits College because knows that one is not particularly fitting in that kind of studies. Or because you need to work. Time goes on, and you realize that it's time to come back. In some cases you finish by doing exactly the same things you once refused to do.
Please, don't worry that much about your long term future. Just do the things one by one. Just have always in your mind the college goal or possibility. Sometimes things arrange themselves in very strange and unpredictable manners, and you could find yourself back to the college earlier than you imagine.
Meanwhile, enjoy your job and your time. Without never stopping to look at the possibility of returning to College.
By the way, some people enjoy College much more when they are already a bit more "grown-up" and have more experience.
Don't give up. Enjoy it. And good luck.
Wow what a sweet thing to say.
Hopefully I can do that when I get a job have my focus be bills then College 1st is regular debt (not relying on Ccards) 2nd) NY trip debt 1500 3) (If I get one before Christmas) gifts/holiday items. etc. Both debts are my top priority though.
Thanks I was almost in tears that's such a sweet thing to say.
(I can always count on WP members to cheer me up) BTW my mom asked me today what email did you hear about the job place from I said it was from a message board I go to some stranger she said oh. (As did the counselor who I'm dealing with) Now that I think about it I wouldn't be where I am trying to understand myself unless I found WP (understanding and connecting my issues/life to AS and hearing of ways to cope and fix my social issues)