If you aren't a computer geek that is.
Insurance administration. Best job, hands down. Why?
1) Routine, routine, routine.
Insurance is the same no matter who is handling it. It has to be because the risks are the same. Learn it in one office and you can carry your skill to any office in the country.
2) Definite lack of stimulation:
Not a lot of excitement, stimulation or noise in an insurance office. Most don't even permit radios and some have "scent" prohibitions.
3) Numbers - count ‘em…we got numbers.
Insurance is about counting; policy numbers, premiums paid, cost adjusting. Like numbers? Insurance is the place for you.
4) Very little social interaction
Now this one is tricky. I have lost two jobs in insurance offices because I was "not a team player" - by that they meant "kept to himself". But this usually occurs only in the smaller places like brokerage offices. In the big offices or the head offices, keeping to yourself and working obsessively is an asset that earns rewards and praise.
5) You probably won't be the "strangest" one there
Believe it or not, during my absolute worst period with AS, when I didn't bathe regularly and wore clothes 20 years out of date, I still was not the strangest dude in an insurance office. There were people who had been in the business for 30 years who - I swear - were turning into gnomes. People talked about them behind their backs - TO ME!! Usually I was the one being talked about - so it was quite a change.
So if you haven't found your niche yet. Go to insurance young man, go to insurance. A quick, 6 month business school course, a few computer training courses in EXCEL and WORD, learn to type at least 45 wam and start looking.