ironpony wrote:
Oh okay. Well usually why I need a couple of days to decide I feel is that there is often a huge con to the job, usually low pay, so then you are only working the job till you find something better, if you take it.
But maybe that's okay?
I understand fully what you mean.
Most of us on the spectrum are extremely loyal employees that don’t like to make commitments and then break them. We feel obligated to follow through and stick with an employer long term vs quit and leave them high and dry so we tend to feel very awkward/guilty about accepting a job offer we’re not sure if we want to keep.
That tends to be very good for employers and usually not so good for us. It leads to us passing up jobs we should have taken, worked, made a bit of money instead of being unemployed, and then moved on later when we found sounding better paying. As much as employers don’t like constantly hiring and training new employees because ya expensive, well, too bad. f**k them. We don’t owe hem anything. We earn every dollar they pay us via our labour and have no long term contractual obligation to stick around. Why should we stay and make their lives easy while they pay us so little we’re constantly on the lookout for a better paying job? If they wanted to retain us or any of their other employees they would pay us more money. But they don’t, so, take the job and then respectfully rescind the availability of your time from their schedule when you have a better gig to bounce to.
It’s business, not pleasure. You don’t have to worry about hurting their feelings. They’re not paying your bills, you are - and if their job no longer serves you and your lifestyle or goals and you have a better option, take it! This is your career, not a marriage. You’re expected to make moves to better yourself and your lot in life.
TLDR? It’s okay. Just do it like everyone else does.
for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.