auntblabby wrote:
I wish I had been born in more of a socialist country.
I admit the side of that in me too. I'm caring for Mom with stage IV breast cancer, she and myself are determined to fight it, it is an uphill battle, but people have lived with stage IV for years an years with a fairly good quality of life. I pray she's one of them and my aunt and I are doing research on various way to do so. I can't really hold a job unless I have help in caring for her but I need to earn money on the other hand plus, God forbid, there will be a day I need to provide for myself. Between this and my Asperger's, this puts a lot of hurdles in my path, especially the latter. Heck, my father thinks I'm a loser. There are times I do wish I could get disability and screw it all to be honest. I do have a mercenary side of me, I'll do what it takes to survive, if need to take welfare, I would for the time. At this time right now with my problems, there are times I do wish we were more like Europe, I do believe they have provisions to help caregivers financially unlike here. I do think there should be a welfare system to help those help themselves but what we have is that there are times it is better to stay on it than work for low wages.
I think a huge problem is that we had a period of unbridled prosperity from 1945 to 200x although some rot started in the 1970's onward with the closure of many mills and factories. First, we were the only major power from WWII that had an intact country and industry. The UK was beaten up, Russia took a lot of lumps and more, Italy, Japan and Germany were totally blown to smithereens and more and so on. We had no rivals so we were king of the hill for the longest time. The world did not really catch up to us until the 1970s/1980's, Germany did not recover fully until the 1980's really. So we had a lot of competition plus a lax trading policy so we lost a lot of our manufacturing base and the blue collar workers suffered. We had a computer boom and Reagan's policies that kept things going at least for the white collar workers until the economic crash of 2007/8 or so. The world has caught up to us and in some cases, passing us.
I see two possible futures. One, we need to protect our industries like most other nations do. I know this goes against many of my conservative and libertarian brethern, but what is worse, cheap stuff n one can buy if they have no jobs, or stuff that costs a little more but you have most people working? I'd say the former. People need jobs if they are to live in our society as it is set up right now. Idle hands are the Devil's Workshop as the saying goes. Two, like in Star Trek, or as Milton Friedman advocated, a negative income tax or a guaranteed wage for every citizen. It would be enough for basic house, a basic car and perhaps some things and if you want more, then you can work for it or find your passion and make money that way.
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