I'm 23 years old, Unemployed, and have Asperger's.
Here's the beauty of it: I've never had the opportunity to learn how to drive while growing up (very long story). I'd be capable of it, but I have to have a job before I can start learning. My dad won't give me lessons until I'm employed, and I also can't have a car without money, but I've recently moved to an area (after a tragedy) where I can't exactly have a good job without a car. That leaves me applying for stuff on a terrible and unreliable bus route or within walking distance from my apartment. Here's what that leaves me with:
1. Jobs that I have no choice but to turn down because they would keep me later than the bus route and they're too far for me to walk home from.
2. Fast food jobs that I keep getting turned down for because I'm overqualified. Nobody is going to hire someone at a fast food place when the candidate has a couple of years of customer service, tech, and sales jobs in their employment history- I have actually had a Taco Bell manager look at me like I was crazy for wanting a position because my past jobs had a higher salary than even HER job (she actually said that to me during the interview).
Oh, and I have a dad and stepmother (currently paying my bills and apartment until a deadline) who think the fact that I don't have a job is MY fault because I'm "not trying hard enough"! Yay! I'm currently in the process to get disability because of my recent PTSD diagnosis, and they also hate that.