There is nothing I hate more in this life than having to take orders from some schmuck with half my IQ.
Being on disability would not trouble my self-esteem at all. I don't care whether or not I have "something to offer society". Society does not permit me to leave and be a mountain man - all property is private property. I owe society nothing, especially not my sanity via hours and years of unwanted toil. I have no respect for those who hate their work/life/place in society but don't have the balls to rebel, which describes most of the bitter critics of those on welfare.
The disability application process itself is grueling and taxing, and can be a catch-22 for Aspies. They readily deny aid to people who cannot keep up with the demands of the application process (fill this out in 10 days, come to this appointment at a time set by us). Depressed Aspies like myself can't make 9AM appointments (noon is a challenge for me - I'd have to get up before noon, which is not easy when you go to bed around dawn). I was asked to describe my daily activities, abilities, and limitations in a 10-page questionnaire, explain my answers on additional paper, and mail it back in 10 days. I pulled it off but was left mentally wiped out, and I postponed all kinds of other activities to get this thing done. I may yet flunk out of the process. But I'll have nothing to be ashamed of if it comes through. I'd rather soak up tax dollars sitting in a chair all day - or, for that matter, blow my brains out - rather than work another nightmare job.