My airy fairy nonsense actually helped a student gain FULL tuitition funding for both her masters and phd. Her living costs were not included but are now accounted for as the uni has taken note of her situation and has offered her an assistants role in the department. She does not have AS, but I know of another student with autism a couple of years back on a broadcast journalism course who also managed to find work within the uni and pay for their studies.
Unfortunately, there is no other way to get a job than to compete on the open market, as you well know. This will not change.
You could try buying and selling things on Ebay for a while. I did that during my gap year and made quite a bit of money and most importantly, it kept me busy. You can arrange for your parcels to be picked up from your house by the Post Office for a small fee if you don't feel like you can go down there.
Most of all though, you need to change your attitude, you are sounding rude, whether you mean to or not, and if that is what is coming across when you go looking for jobs, no wonder doors are being closed to you.
Remember, we don't know your life story so any advice we give you is based on what we know from your posts. We do not know what you have tried before and what has worked or not.
A bit of friendliness on this place works wonders, especially when people take the time out to try and help.