After many years of struggling with fulltime work, I finally discovered that I do a lot better with 30 hours a week, rather than forty, and ideally broken up into three ten-hour shifts on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. That is/was ideal, of course, and most employers can't or won't offer that kind of situation. But hey, it doesn't hurt to dream! I talked my last employer into allowing me to work that shift because of the nature of the workplace schedule: "It will be more efficient for the customers to have me here later in the evening, and other people can also stay late if they shift to working three or four ten-hour shifts a week." Now everyone loves it, and no one wants to go back to working five days a week! Me voluntarily cutting my hours from forty down to thirty saved him money, and I made sure there was really no loss of work performance. Of course, I could only do this once I'd paid off enough debt and had reduced my living expenses so I could "afford" the loss in hours.
Forty hours a week, working five days a week, was soul-sucking and physically debilitating. There was no time to do personal errands (banking, doctors, etc.), and it was an endless, monotonous grind. I would always leave these jobs because after awhile the emotional and physical fatigue of that schedule would make me so crazy I'd end up quitting. My physical health would suffer because I was too drained to exercise or cook properly, and my social life suffered because I couldn't bear talking to anyone after being surrounded by people and their b.s. all day. I enjoy working and I enjoy earning money...I just can't do it anymore on the standard fulltime regime.
Good luck!